Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/7

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS CONTAINED IN THIS VOLUME PUBLIC LAW 103-211.... Making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other ptirposes. 103-212.... To designate the Federal Building and United States Courthouse located at 402 East State Street in Trenton, New Jersey, as the "Clarkson S. Fisher Federal Building and United States Courthouse". 103-213.... To designate the Federal building located at 525 Griffin Street in Dallas, Texas, as the '\A.. Maceo Smith Federal Building'. 103-214.... To designate the Federal building located at 100 East Fifth Street in Cincinnati, Ohio, as the "Potter Stewart United States Courthouse". 103-215.... To designate the United States courthouse located in Houma, Louisiana, as the "George Arceneaux, Jr., United States Courthouse". 103-216.... To designate the United States courthouse under construction at 611 Broad Street, in Lake Charles, Louisiana, as the "Edwin Ford Hunter, Jr., United StatesCourthouse". 103-217.... To designate the month of March 1994 as "Irish-American Heritage Month". 103-218.... Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals With Disabilities Act Amendments of 1994. 103-219.... To amend the Everglades National Park Protection and Expansion Act of 1989, and for other purposes. 103-220.... To amend title 23, United States Code, to permit the use of funds under the highway bridge replacement and rehabilitation program for seismic retrofit of bridges, and for other puiT)oses. 103-221.... To designate the week beginning April 11, 1994, as "NationalPublic Safety Telecommunicators Week". 103-222.... Designating March 25, 1994, as "Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy". 103-223.... To proclaim March 20, 1994, as "National Agriculture Day". 103-224.... To designate March 20 through March 26, 1994, as "Small Family Farm Week". 103-225.... Food Stamp Program Improvements Act of 1994 103-226.... Federal Workforce Restructuring Act of 1994 103-227.... Goals 2000: Educate America Act 103-228.... To temporarily extend certain provisions of the Marine Mammal Protection Act. 103-229.... Designating March 23, 1994, as "Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A.". 103-230.... Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act Amendments of 1994. DATE PAGE Feb. 12, 1994 3 Feb. 16, 1994 43 Feb. 16, 1994 44 Feb. 16, 1994 45 Feb. 16, 1994 46 Feb. 16, 1994 47 Feb. 22, 1994 48 Mar. 9, 1994 50 Mar. 9, 1994 98 Mar. 17, 1994 100 Mar. 24, 1994 101 Mar. 24, 1994 102 Mar. 24, 1994 103 Mar. 24, 1994 105 Mar. 25, 1994 106 Mar. 30, 1994 Ill Mar. 31, 1994 125 Mar. 31, 1994 281 Apr. 6, 1994 282 Apr. 6, 1994 284 vii