Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/850

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108 STAT. 5418 PROCLAMATION 6641—DEC. 15, 1993 Annex II (con.) - 119- Section (A). (con.) 123. (con.): Goodi of Mexico, mdir ttw tens of g««ral note 12 to th* tariff tdiedjt* (con.): Cotton, uhetticr or not cardod or coirtMd (providKi for in hMdir« 5201 or 5203) or cotton yMtc (provided for in npheedinQ 5202.99.00) (eon.): Other (con.): Other: Subjact to the quantitative liaita apecifiad in U.S. note 25 to thia aiiichapter Other: Valued not over $1.36/lcg.... Other 9906.52. 06 Twill weave and Mixturea of twill weave and aatin weeva (provided for in ai±headin0 5209.19.00, 5 209.2 9.00, 5209.39.00, 5209.59.00, 5 211.1 9.00, 521 1.29.00, 5211.39.00 o r 52 11.59.00) 9906.54.01 Synthetic raonofilnent, other than nylon or otiier polyaeide aonofilaiant (provided for in a Uiie ad ir « S«04.1 0.80) 9906.55.01 Artificial fileant tow, other than of viacoee rayon (provided for in heading 5502) 9906.55.02 Blue dania (provided for in auUieadins 5512.19.00 or S5 U.3 2. 00) 9906.56.01 Nonwovan fiber aheet (provided for in aUiieeding 5603.00.90)..... , 9906.57. 01 Needle-craft diaplay aadela, priaarily hand atitchad, of coapleted aaaa-producad Icita (provided for in all*a«ling 5701.10.20, 5701.90.20. 5805.00.«0. 630 2.91. 00, 6302.92.00. 6302.9 3.10, 630 2.93. 20, 6302.99.20. 6304.9 2.00, 630 4.93.00, 6304.99.15, 6304.99.35, 6304.99;60 o r 6307.90.99) , 9906.57.02 Carpeta and other textile floor coveringa, tufted, lAiether or not aade up. of wn-Bade textile aatariala. laauring not more than 5.25 wr in area (provided for in lubheading 5703.20.20 o r 5703.30.00) , Featener falirie tapea of •an-raade fifaera (provided for in autahavlino 5806.10.20).. (Sec Amex III(B) to thia Proclaaatiora (NX) (See Amex III(B) to thie ProclaMtiord («) Frae (MX) Free (NX) Free (N() Free (NX) Frae (NX) [See Amax 11 KB) to thia ProclaBBtiortI (M(> Baa Amex IIKB) to thia ProclMatiofd (W) Theatricel, ballet, and operetic eccnery and propertiee, including aata (provided for in ai Uia ad ii v 5907. 00.20, 5907.00.4 0, 5907.00.60 o r 59 07.00.80)