Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/974

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108 STAT. 5542 PROCLAMATION 6654—MAR. 2, 1994 and of the Independence, of the United States of America the two hundred and eighteenth. WILLIAM J. CLINTON Proclamation 6654 of March 2, 1994 Women's History Month, 1994 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation When author Zora Neale Hurston was growing up in Eatonville, Florida, at the beginning of the century, her mother encouraged her to "jump at the sun"—to set lofty goals—even if she were not certain to reach them. In many ways, Zora did "jump at the sun," writing books, articles, and plays that have earned her a place among America's finest writers and anthropologists. Her mother's words became a powerful metaphor for her life, and Zora's brilliant works reflect the vibrant history of the many women whose lives she studied. Zora Neale Hurston might never have imagined that women would one day have the opportunity to take her mother's teaching literally. But from Sally Ride to Mae Jemison to Kathryn Thornton, astronauts have soared closer to the sun than most humans ever dreamed. As we celebrate Women's History Month, 1994, Americans take special pride in the scope of women's achievements, exemplified by the daring spirit of these pioneering individuals. We watched in awe recently as astronaut Thornton performed complex repairs on the Hubble space telescope by the light of the rising sun. And we shared her happiness as she basked in the love of her family at the end of a successful mission. From author to astronaut to able parent, women have embraced a myriad of challenging roles throughout our Nation's history. But America has not yet fulfilled its promise of equality for all people. While more women dian ever now hold public office in our country, more women than ever must also bear sole responsibility for caring for their families. We rely on women's knowledge and expertise in every aspect of life, and yet we as a society fail to provide many of our families the care and support they so desperately need. We take satisfaction in knowing that women have gained equality under the law, but we must also recognize the ways in which true equality is still only a dream. Zora's "sim" eludes our grasp. This mondi, we rededicate ourselves to reaching it. On this occasion, we celebrate the lives of women too long missing from our history books. We listen to the voices of women too long absent from our national memory. Most important, we look forward to a day when society need not remind itself to note the extraordinary accomplishments of women. We dream of a time when, in passing the lessons of this generation from teacher to student, from parent to child, we tell a story of women and men working side by side. We will say that it took all people, striving together, to build a just and compassionate world of liberty, charity, and peace.