Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 1.djvu/511

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PUBLIC LAW 104^52—NOV. 19, 1995 109 STAT. 495 into the Fund: Provided further. That the General Fund shall be reimbursed for such funds by the Fund within one year of the date of the loan: Provided further. That the Fund may retain receipts from the Federal Reserve System from the sale of circulating coins at face value for deposit into the Fund (retention of receipts is for the circulating operations and programs): Provided further. That the Secretary of the Treasury shall transfer to the Fund all assets and liabilities of the Mint operations and programs, including all Numismatic Public Enterprise Fund assets and liabilities, all receivables, unpaid obligations and unobligated balances from the Mint's appropriation, the Coinage Profit Fund, and the Coinage Metal Fund, and the land and buildings of the Philadelphia Mint, Denver Mint, and the Fort Knox Bullion Depository: Provided further. That the Numismatic Public Enterprise Fund, the Coinage Profit Fund and the Coinage Metal Fund shall cease to exist as separate funds as their activites and functions are subsumed under and subject to the Fund, and the requirements of 31 USC 5134(c)(4), (c)(5)(B), and (d) and (e) of the Numismatic Public Enterprise Fund shall apply to the Fund: Provided further. That at such times as the Secretary of the Treasury determines appropriate, but not less than annually, any amount in the Fund that is determined to be in excess of the amount required by the Fund shall be transferred to the Treasury for deposit as miscellaneous receipts: Provided further. That the term "Mint operations and programs" means (1) the activities concerning, and assets utilized in, the production, administration, distribution, marketing, purchase, sale, and management of coinage, numismatic items, the protection and safeguarding of Mint assets and those non-Mint assets in the custody of the Mint, and the Fund; and (2) includes capital, personnel salaries and compensation, functions relating to operations, marketing, distribution, promotion, advertising, official reception and representation, the acquisition or replacement of equipment, the renovation or modernization of facilities, and the construction or acquisition of new buildings: Provided further. That the term "numismatic item" includes any medal, proof coin, uncirculated coin, bullion coin, numismatic collectible, other monetary issuances and products and accessories related to any such medal or coin: Provided further. That provisions of law governing procurement or public contracts shall not be applicable to the procurement of goods or services necessary for carrying out Mint programs and operations. SEC, 523. Section 531 of Public Law 103-329, is amended 3 USC i02note. by inserting, "of the first section", after "adding at the end". SEC. 524. No funds appropriated by this Act shall be available Abortion. to pay for an abortion, or the administrative expenses in connection with any health plan under the Federal employees health benefit program which provides any benefits or coverage for abortions, after the last day of the contract currently in force for any such negotiated plan. SEC. 525. The provision of section 524 shall not apply where the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term, or that the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest. SEC. 526. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the 40 USC 759 note. Administrator of General Services shall delegate the authority to procure automatic data processing equipment for the Tax Systems Modernization Program to the Secretary of the Treasury: Provided,