Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/132

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109 STAT. 1104 PROCLAMATION 6763—DEC. 23, 1994 Se ction A. ( continued) Annex (con.) -55 - (19)(b). (con.): (vii) (con.): [Goods of Mexico,...:] [Cheese and curd...:] Provided for in subheading 0406.10.68: 9906.05.01 Subject to t he q uanti tativ e limits specified in U.S. note 8 to t his subchapter Free (MX) Other: 990 6.05.02 Valued not over $2.04/kg $1.137/lc9 (MX) 9906.05.0 3 Other 55.6X (MX) Provided for in subheading 0A 06. 10.7 8: 9906.05. 04 Subject to the quantitative limits specified in U.S. note 8 to t his subchapter Free (MX) Other: 9906.0 5.05 Valued not over Sl.TZ/kg 96«/kg (M X) 99 06.0 5.06 Other 55.6X (MX) Provided for in subheading 040 6.10.88: 99 06. 05.07 Subject to the quant itativ e limits specified in U.S. note 8 to t his subchapter Free (MX) Other: 9906. 05.0 8 Valued not over t2.30/kg S1.28 3/kg (M X) 99 06.0 5.09 Other 55.6X(MX)" (vili) The superior text immediately preceding subheading 99 06.05. 11 is mod ifi ed by dele ting " 0406.2 0.20" and inserting "04 06.20.28" in thereof; ( i x) The superior text immediately preceding subheading 990 6.05. 14 is modi fied by dele ting "0 406.20.30 or 0 406. 20.3 5" and inserting "0 406.20.33 o r 0406.20. 39" in l ie u thereof; ( x) The superior text preceding subheading 9906.0 5.17 which reads "Provided for in 0406.20.40:" is modified by deleting "0406.20.^ inserting "subheading 0406.20. 48" in lieu thereof;