Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/161

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PROCLAMATION 6763—DEC. 23, 1994 109 STAT. 1133 An nex (con.) - 84- Sec tion A. (conti nued) (34)(b). (con.): (Hi) Subheadings 9906.17.16 and 9906.17.17 and the superior text immedia tely preceding subheading 9906.17.1 6 a r e deleted; and (iv) The superior text preceding subheading 9906.17.18 which reads "Provided for i n subheading 1702. 90.50:", sub heading 9 906.17.18 and th e superior text immediately preceding subheading 99 06.1 7.18, subhead ings 9906.1 7.19 through 99 06.17,24, Inclus ive, and any superior text to such subheadings, are all deleted, and the following provisions are inserted in numerical sequence in lieu thereof: [Goods of Mexico,...:] [Other sugars, including...] "Provicied for in subheadins 17 02.90.68: 990 6.1 7.1 8 Subject to t he qu anti tati ve limits specified in U.S. note 18 to t his subchapter Free (MX) Other: 9906.17.19 Valued not over 31.5«/k9 30.J«/kB (MX) 990 6.17.20 Other 96.2X (MX) Provided for in sUbheadin{) 17 02.90.58: Goods of a type described in U.S. note 19 to this subchapter: 9906.1 7.21 Subject to the (Quantitative limits specifieil in U.S. note 19 to this subchapter... Free ( MX) Other: 99 06. 17. 22 Valued not over Sl.St /kg 30.3«/lcg (MX) 990 6.1 7.23 Other 96.2X (MX) 990 6.1 7.2 4 Other Free (MX)" (35)(a). Subheadings 1704.90.40 and 1704.90.60 are superseded and the following provisions inserted in numerical sequence: [Sugar confectionery (including...:] [Other:] [Other:] "1704.90.52 Described in general note IS of the tariff schedule and entered pursuant to its provisions 12.2X Free (E,IL,J,MX) 12.2X 3.6X (M) 9&-194O-95 -6:QL3Part2