Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/285

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PROCLAMATION 6763—DEC. 23, 1994 109 STAT. 1257 An ne x (con.) -208 - Se ctlo n A. ( conti nued) (182)(b). Con fomlng cha nges: (1) The article description for heading 9902.39.08 Is modified by deleting "3 911. 90.3 0" and inserting "3911.90.4 5" i n l ieu thereof; (11) Heading 9902.39.11 is deleted; (ill) The article description for heading 9902.39.10 is modified by deleting "3911.90.5 0" and inserting "3911.90.9 0" i n lieu there of. (183). Subheading 3912.31.00 is superseded by: [Cellulos e and i t s ch oaical de riv ativ es,...] [Cellulose ethersO •391 2.31 Carfaox yiaethylceUulose and i ts salts: 39 12.3 1.20 S od iua ca rbo xyne thyl cel lulo se, technic al gra de (65 percen t to 85 percent pure) Free 66X 3 912. 31.60 Other 6.M free ( A.CA.E. IL, 66 X" J,K,NX) (184)(a). Heading 3914.00.00 is superseded by: "3914.00 Ion-exchangers based on polymers of headings 3901 to 3913, in primary forms: 3914.00.20 Cross-linked polyvinylbenzyltrimethylaamioniua chloride (Cholestyramine resin USP) Free SM 3914.00.60 Other 3.9X Free (A.CA.E.IL, 3SX" J,K,M X> (b). Conforming change: Heading 9902.39.14 is deleted. (185). Subheading 3917.10.50 is superseded by: [Tiiies, pipes and hoses and fittings...:] (Artificial guts (sausage casings)...:] "Other: 3917.10.60 Of collagen Free 40X 3917.10.90 Other 4. 2X Free (A,CA,E,Il, 40X" J,MX)