Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/708

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o CO Annex (con.) - 631- 00 O Section P. (1) (con.) (continued) NTS ProvUlon 9S03.30.80 93 03.9 0.4 0 9 303.90.80 9 304.00.20 9 304.00.40 9 30S.10.20 9 305.10.40 9 305.10.80 9 305.21.80 9 305.29.10 9 305.29.20 9 305.29.40 9 305.29.50 9 305.90.10 9 305.90.20 930 5.9 0.3 0 930 5.9 0.4 0 93 05.9 0.5 0 93 05.9 0.6 0 93 06.1 0.0 0 93 06.2 1.0 0 93 06.2 9.0 0 93 06. 30. 40 93 06.3 0.8 0 1995 4.4X on the valua of the rlfla + 18.6X on the valua of the tataacoplc tig ht, if any 7.6X 2.7X n 2.7X 7.6X 7.6X 2.7X 1.8X 2.2X 1.9X 6.3X 2.9X 2.9X 1.9X z.n 2.7X 7» 5.IX 4X 4X 2.9X 4X 2.9X 1996 4.IX on the valua of the rffla • 17.2X on the valua of the talatco pic tight, if any 6.7X 2X 6.2X 2X 6.7X 6.7X 2X 1.4X 1.7X 1.4X 5.6X 2.2X 2.2X 1.4X 2X 2X 6. 2X 4.6X 3X 3X 2.2X 3X 2.2X 19 97 3.7X on the valua of the rifta

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