Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/726

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109 STAT. 1698 PROCLAMATION 6763—DEC. 23, 1994 An nex (con.) - 649- Section E. Modifications of the Rates of Duty 1-Speclal subcolunm effective on January 1, 1995. (1). For the following subheadings, in the Rates of Duty 1-Speclal subcolunm. Insert In the parentheses following the "Free" rate of duty the symbol "L" In alp habet ical or der. 270 7.99.40 290 4.10.10 290 4.10.37 2904. 20.1 5 2904.90. 47 2907.30.00 2908.20.04 2908. 20.15 2908.20. 20 29 08.2 0.60 29 14.7 0.1 0 29 17.1 1.0 0 29 17.2 0.00 29 18.19.20 2918.19.30 2921.42. 21 2921.45. 10 2 921. 45.2 0 2 921. 49.50 2 921. 51.10 2 921. 51.30 29 21.5 1.50 292 1.59.40 292 2.19.95 2922.21. 10 2922.21. 50 2922.22.1 0 292 2.22.50 292 2.29.10 2922.29.15. 2922.29. 20 2 922. 50.4 0 2 924. 21.2 0 29 24.21. 45 2926.90.4 4 292 7.00.40 292 7.0 0.50 2 934.20.30 2 934.20.40 293 4.9 0.06 293 5.00.1 0 340 2.90.50 (2). For the following provisions. In the Rates of Duty 1-Speclal subcolunn, Insert In the parentheses following the "Free" rate of duty the synbol "K" In alp habe tica l or der. 2526.2 0.00 284 1.10.00 284 2.10.00 2 842.90.00 2843.30.00 2 843.90.00 2 902. 19.00 29 02. 90.90 29 03.2 2.00 29 03.30.20 290 3.51.00 2903.59. 15 290 3.59.2 0 290 3.62.00 290 3.69.20 2 904. 10.3 2 29 04.9 0.15 2 904. 90.4 0 290 5.1 9.00 290 5.2 2.2 0 290 5.2 9.00 2905.49.50 2905.50.10 2906.21.00 2907.19. 10 2907.19. 20 2907.19. 40 2908.10. 10 29 08.1 0.35 29 08.2 0.20 29 08.2 0.60 290 8.90.08 29 09.1 9.10 290 9.20.00 2909.30. 40 2909.49. 10 2909. 49.1 5 2909.49. 20 2909.50. 20 2 909.50.4 0 29 09.50.45 2 909.50.50 2 910.90. 10 2 910.90.2 0 2910.90.50 291 2.1 9.50 291 4.19.00 291 4.29.50 2914.49.40 2914.50.50 2914.69. 20 2914.70. 10 2915.39.30 29 15.39.35 29 15.39. 40 29 15.39.45 29 15.39.4 7 2915.4 0.1 0 2 915. 40.2 0 29 15.4 0.30 29 15.4 0.50 2 915.50.2 0 29 15.90.10 29 15.90.14 29 15.90.18 29 15.90.20 29 15.90.50 2916.19.30 2916.19.50 2916.31. 30 2916.31.50 291 7.13.00 291 7.19.20 2917. 19.23 2917. 19.27 2917.19. 40 2917. 20.00 29 17.3 4.0 0 29 18.1 1.5 0 29 18.1 6.50 29 18.1 7.5 0 29 18.1 9.2 0 29 18.1 9.30 29 18.19.60 29 18.19.90 29 18.21.10 2918.2 2.50 2918.23.30 2918.23.50 2918.30.30 2918.90.05 2918.90.30 2918.90.50 2919.00.30 2919.00.50 2920.10.50 29 20.90. 20 29 20.90.50 29 21.1 2.0 0 29 21. 19.10 2921.29.00 29 21. 30.50 29 21.4 9.45 29 21. 49.50 29 21. 59. 40 29 22. 11. 00 292 2.1 2.00 2922.19.95 292 2.2 9.10 292 2.29.27 2922.30. 25 292 2.3 0.50 292 2.4 1.00 292 2.4 2.50 292 2.4 9.10 292 2.4 9.30 29 22. 49. 40 2922.50. 10 2922. 50.1 7 2922.5 0.19 2922. 50.25 29 22. 50. 40 2922.50.50 2923.10.00 2923.90.00 2924.10.10 2924.21. 20 29 24.2 1.45 29 24. 21.50 2925.20.10 2925.20.20 2926.90. 14 2926.90.44 2927.00. 40 29 27. 00.50 29 28.00.30 29 28.00.50 29 30. 10.00 29 30. 20. 20 29 30.90.45 29 31. 00.2 2 29 31. 00.30 29 32. 19.10 29 32. 19.50 29 32. 21. 00