Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/288

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268 THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 25. 1858. ropes, and shoeing the horses of those corps, one hundred and ninety thousand dollars. B For constructing barracks and other buildings at posts which it may snacks, &c. ¤ . . . . be necessary to occupy during the year; and for repairing, altering, and enlarging buildings at the established posts, including hire or commutation of quarters for officers on military duty; hire of quarters for troops, of storehouses for the safe-keeping of military stores, and of grounds for summer cautonments; for encampments and temporary frontier stations, eivht thousand dollars. Transportation. DFo)i· transportation of the army, includipglthe baggage of the troops when moving either by land or water; o cothing, camp, and garrison equipage from the depot at Philadelphia to the several posts and army depots ; horse equipments and of subsistence from the places of purchase and from the places of delivery under contract, to such places as the circumstances of the service may require it to be sent; of ordnance, ordnance stores, and small arms, from the foundries and armories to the arsenals, fortifications, frontier posts, and army depots ; freights, wharfage, tolls, and ferriages ; for the purchase and hire of horses, mules, and oxen, and the purchase and repair of wagons, carts, drays, ships, and other seagoing vessegs aéid boats fozé the transportaifion of suqpplies ang. for garrison pur oses; or ra age an cartage at the severa posts; ire 0 teamsterg; transportatibn of funds for the pay and other disbursing departments ; the expense of sailing public transports on the various rivers, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Atlantic and Pacific ; and for procuring water at such posts as from their situation require that it be brought from a distance ; and for clearing roads and removing obstructions from roads, harbors, and rivers, to the extent which ma be required for the actual operations of the troops on the frontier, fibre million four hundred thousand dollars. Subsistenee. For subsistence in kind, one million two hundred and twenty thousand dollars. vcl;llig·2’ Sm'- Por surveys for military defences, geographical explorations, and TGC00- naissances for military purposes, Eve thousand dollars. N, Executive .MSC€[ld7l€0MS.—B`01` contingent expenses of the northeast executive B“‘ld‘“g' & building, viz: for fuel, light, and repairs, one thousand dollars. Stables, ¤· M For the erection of stables and conservator at the President’s house §g$;§“°fs to replace those about to be taken down to make room for the extension of the treasury building, three thousand nine hundred and five dollars. Land surveys, For surveying the public lands and private land claims in California, $#0- in C¤m`°¤'¤¤¤· including office expenses incident to the survey of claims, and to be disbursed at the rates prescribed by law for the different kinds of work, being the amount of surveying liabilities incurred by the surveyor general during the fiscal year ending thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, over and above that authorized under the appropriation of

 thousand dollars for that period, two hundred and twenty thousand

o ais. ’l‘cmppi·:n·y For payment to clerks temporarily employed in the Post-Office Depart- °l°Yl*S m me ment on account of the extraordinary labors connected with the lettings

 Dt3pm` of new contracts for the term commencing on the first July, eighteen

hundred and fifty-eight, and the increase of business in the inspection and deplfedation office (pf said department, five thousand two hundred and eig teen dollars an eight -nine cents. Lighting Presi- For lighting the Presidents house and capitol, the public grounds gf,;‘)§tf,f‘Q,z“jf’· around them, and around the executive offices, and Pennsylvania Avenue, _ ’ and Bridge and High streets, in Georgetown, five thousand dollars. er_S%*x?’5m;€°¤‘ For compensation of the surveyor-general of Utah Territory, from ` first day of January, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, to thirtieth of June, Purcham of eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, one thousand five hundred dollars. M,,,,,,,,,,, ·pcm,,]°, For purchase of the “Masonic Temple," in the city of Boston, for the l£oston,for courts.