Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/342

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322 THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 154. 1858. For heating and ventilating the entire unfinished remainder of the hospital edifice, and for slightly remodelliug the heating apparatus of the pres— ent finished portions of the building, so that the heating and ventilation of the whole establishment shall be one connected and efficient system, hfteen thousand dollars. _ Tmmimt vm_ For support, care, and medical treatment of forty transcient paupers, pers. medical and surgical patients in Washington Infirmary, SIX thousand dollars. Public grounds. For purchase of manure for the public grounds, one thousand dollars. For hire of carts on the public grounds, one thousand and ninety-five dollars and fifty cents. For purchase and repair of tools used in the public grounds, five hundred dollars. For purchase of trees and tree-boxes, to replace where necessary such as have been planted by the United States, and the repair of pavements in front of the public grounds, five thousand dollars. Kg airs of cap- For annual repairs of the Capitol, water-closets, public stables, water Ml, gc- I pipes, pavements, and other walks within the Capitol Square, broken glass and locks, six thousand dollars. Library Green. To enable the commissioner of public buildings to fit up with shelvw €*€S$· the two rooms at the south end of the library of Congress, for the use of the library, and for putting up a partition in the passage to them, two hundred and seventy dollars. _ R<>g¤i¤‘¤ of PWS- For annual repairs of the Presidenrfs house and furniture, improvement 'd°"t°h°“S°’ &°' of grounds, purchasing trees and plants for garden and making hot-beds therein, and contingent expenses incident thereto, twelve thousand dollars. Fuel. For fuel, in part, of the President’s house, one thousand eight hundred dollars. Lighting pm. For lighting the President’s house and capitol, the public grounds id¤¤¤’Sh¢>¤S¤.&<=- around them and around the executive offices, and Pennsylvania Avenue, and Bridge and High streets in Georgetown, forty-three thousand dollars. For erecting thirty additional lamp posts in Bridge and High streets, in Georgetown, eight hundred and ten dollars. hooks foresee- For purchase of books for [the] library at the executive mansion, to be “°"° “‘”~”“°”· expended under the direction of the President of the United States, two hundred and fifty dollars. Repair; of For repairs of the Potomac, Navy Yard, and upper bridges, six thoubridges wd sand dollars. mms' For repairs of Pennsylvania Avenue, three thousand dollars. To pay the residue of the salary due the engineer for constructing the bridge across the Potomac at Little Falls, two thousand hve hundred and eighty-nine dollars and sixty-seven cents; and for painting the hand—rnils, and iron work of said bridge, four hundred dollars; and the bridge is hereby placed under protection of Georgetown, with power to regulate the speed of travel and the passage of droves of cattle over the same, but no tolls shall be charged. d For public reservation number two, Lafayette Square, three thousand ollars. &GM•= ofg¤‘¤u¤dS, For taking care of the grounds south of the Presidentls house and keep- °‘ ing them in order, one thousand dollars. For the payment of laborers employed in shovelling snow from the walks to and around the Capitol, the President’s house, and the pavements along the government reservations on Pennsylvania Avenue, eight hundred ollars. R°P”i'*- For repairs of water pipes, five hundred dollars. For repairs of the furnaces under the Senate Chamber and Supreme Court room, one thousand dollars. _ For casual repairs of the Patent Office building, three thousand dollars. 0°mP1°*“‘€ For completing the west wing of the Patent—Oliice building, filling up