Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/401

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THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 22, 23, 26. 1859. 381 and to the same extent that the Department of State is now charged with the same; and hereafter all such publications of every nature whatever shall, under present laws and regulations, be left with, and kept by him. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That the Joint Committee on the Joint Cornmit- Library may, at any time, dispose of duplicate, injured, or wasted books gg`, °§iSg;;"“gtY of the library, or any other matter in the library not deemed proper to it, duplicates, gm, in such manner as such committee may deem best. Sec. 10. And be étjlcrther enacted, That all such books and documents, Books, &¤· ¤¤¢= when received at the proper offices, libraries, and so forth, as provided by g’0HI’°Pr;;§,°v§g law, shall be kept there and not removed from such places. Gees. Sec. 11. And be it farther enacted, That of the Statutes at Large of the Statutes at United States, published by Little and Brown, now deposited in the {;*“8° “°“’ *1 Ll' . _ . . tary of Conlibrary of Congress for the use of senators and representatives during the gw5S_ sessions of Congress, ten copies be retained by the librarian for the use of the judges of the Supreme Court, during the terms of court, and that one third of the number then remaining in the library be transferred to the Senate and two thirds to the library of the House of Representatives for the use of the senators and representatives during the sessions of Congress. APPROVED, February 5, 1859. CHA?. XXIII.-An Act for the Punishment of the Crime of Forgery [of] or Counter- Feb- 5» ]859· failing Mz'litarz; Bounty-Land Wanarzls, Military Bounty-Land C'ert§fZcaies, Certijicates of Location, Certificates of Purchase and Receiver.? Receipts. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Stazes of America in Congress assembled, That if any person or persons Fovgingnor shall falsely make, alter, forge, or counterfeit, or cause or procure to be ggimgerfcggléi _ falsely made, altered, forged, or countertjeited, or willingly aid or assist in land ,1;,};,,,,,,,,,;:37 falsely making, altering, forging, or counterfeiting, any military bounty- {gw, OF k¤9W- land warrant, or military bounty-land warrant certificate, issued or pur- gglysugzssiléged porting to have been issued by the Commissioner of Pensions under any warrants, made a act of Congress, or any certificate of location of any military bounty-land f°l°“Y· warrant, or any duplicate certificate of the location of any military bounty- land warrant, or military bounty-land warrant certificate, upon any of the lands of the United States, or any certificate of the purchase of any of the lands of the United States, or any duplicate certificate of the purchase of any of the lands of the United States, or any receipt for the purchasemoney of any of the lands of the United States, or any duplicate receipt for the purchase·money of any lands of the United States, issued or purporting to have been issued by the register and receiver at any land·oflice of the United States, or by either of them; or if any person or persons shall pass, utter or publish as true any false, forged, or counterfeited military bounty-land warrant, military bounty-land warrant certificate, certificate of location, or duplicate certificate of location, certificate of purchase, duplicate certificate of purchase, receipt or duplicate receipt, for the purchase money of any of the lands of the United States, knowing the same to be false or forged, such person or persons so offending shall be deemed Pcmity, and adjudged guilty of felony, and, being thereof duly convicted, shall be sentenced to be imprisoned and kept at hard labor for a period not less than three years nor more than ten years: Provided, nevertheless, That Proviso. nothing herein contained shall be construed to deprive the courts of the several States of jurisdiction under the laws thereof over offences declared punishable by this law. Approved, February 5, 1859. CHAP. XXVl.—An Ac! granting the Req/Lt of Way over, and Depot Grounds 011, f/16 F°b· 8: 1859· llfilitary Reserve at Fort Gratiot, in lhe State of Michigan, for Railroad Purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Right of way States of Amerzcu in Congress assembled, That the right of way through granted.