Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/42

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22 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 45, 47. 1856. Railroads fobé for the purposes aforesaid and no other; and the said railroads shall bg “ P‘lg;l° $$2; and remain public highways for the use of the government of the United iiizht. g States, free from toll or other charge upon the transportation of any property or troops of the United States. Lands how dis- Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the lands hereby granted to P°¤°d °* said State shall be disposed of by said State only m manner following, that is to say: That a quantity of land not exceeding one hundred and twenty sections foroeach of said roads, and included within a continuous length of twenty m1les of each of sa1d roads, may be sold; and when the governor of said State shall certify to the Secretary of the Interior that any twenty continuous miles of any of said roads IS completed, then another quantity of land hereby granted, not to exceed one hundred and twenty sections for each of said roads having twenty continuous miles completed as aforesaid, and included within a continuous length of twenty miles of each of such roads may be sold ;_ and so from time to time until said roads are completed; and if any of said roads is not completed within ten years no further sales shall be made, and the lands unsold shall revert to the United States. Transportation Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the United States mail shall °fm“'l“· be transported over said roads, under the direction of the Post-()Hiee Department, at such price as Congress may, by law, direct: Provided, That until such price is fixed by law, the Postmaster-General shall have the power to determine the same. Ammovnn, June 3, 1856. J¤¤¤ H, 1856- Cum. XLV.-An Act to change the Place of holding the Oourzs of the United States in the District of Delaware. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Courts and States of America in Congress assembled, That the courts of the United

v;§;?°‘ m States in and for the district of Delaware shall hereafter be held at the

1834, 0h_ I6_ city of Wilmington, in the said district, and the offices of the clerks of 1852, 0h_ 8g_ the circuit and district court for said district, and the records of said courts r shall be kept in the said city of Wilmington. I cc§;FV;¤:1ei0fPrPg_— l Sec. 2.- And be zt further enacted, That no process issued or proceedcmtings PEM_ ings pending in either of the said courts, shall be avoided or impaired by ing. this change of the place of holding the said courts; but all process, bnilbonds, or recognizances returnable at the next term of either of the said courts, shall be returnable and returned to the term of said courts respectively, next held according to this act, in the same manner as if so made returnable on the face thereof, and shall have full effect accordingly; and all continuances may be made to conform to the provisions of this act. A1;>1>R0v1¤1>, June 14, 1856. June 26, 1866. Can?. XIQVH.-—An Act to revive and continue in jbrce the Provisions of the Act of IS53, 1853 ch. 152 m Relatum to “Suspended Entries of Public Lands," and the Act <y"l846, in Relation l0 VOL kl P. 25g. “Suspended Preémplion Land C'Iaims.”

  1. ‘{;;;l;_ gg; Be it enacted ky Senate and House of Representatives of the United

ACtOf1853,ch_ States of America in Congress assembled, That the several provisions of

 igsgqqtging Elie ict approved lgfarch third eighteen hundred and lilly-three, in rela-

<é¤ <·= pre- ion o ‘ suspen e entries o public lands and the several provisions of

naudligg the act approved August third, eighteen lmndred and forty-six, in relapgs 184;;, en. 78, tion to "suspended preemption land claims," be and the same are hereby

pml’£>d¤¤*in;¤;; revived and continued in force, and those provisions are hereby declared ppvivgd mdcon, to be applicahle to all cases of suspended entries and locations which tmued. have arisen since said acts were passed, or which were omitted to be acted upon under either of said acts, as well as to all cases of a similar klDd'Wl'llCl1 may hereafter occur, and shall be regarded as applying to locations under bounty land warrants as well as to ordinary entries or