Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/443

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THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 81. 1859. 423 CHAP. LXXXI,——An Act maldng Apprapriationsjbr Light—, Light-boats, Buoys, ($0., March 3, 1859. and pmvidebgfnr the Erection and Establishment of the same, and for other Purposes. """_"`°‘ Be it enacted [gg the Smale and Hzme of Representatives of the United APPY°PYi¤ti0¤*· States of America in Congress assembled, That the following appropriations be, and the same are hereby, made, and directed to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to carry the provisions of this act into eflect: Provided, however, That if a. good title to any land which it may be neces- PY°V’S°· sary to use cannot be obtained on reasonable terms, or the exclusive right Sam f tm to such land cannot be acquired by cession, when the interest of the Unit- appropiiations ed States demands it, before the appropriation would by law fall into the frvm falling i¤f<> surplus fund, in any and all such cases the appropriations shall be applica- the surplus fund ble to the objects for which they are made at any time within two years after the first meeting of the legislature in any State wherein such land may be situated subsequent to the passage of this act, to wit: Mw Hampshire.-—Foz· a fog-bell, to be rung by machinery, at Whale’s New Hampshire. Back light-house, one thousand dollars. Massa¢husct¢s.—For rebuilding the two light-house towers on Thatchefs Massachusetts. Island, Cape Ann, and for Etting them with first-order illuminating apparatus, as per detailed estimate I, page 102, (estimates of appropriations for eighteen hundred and flfcy-eight and eighteen hundred and 1’ifty-nine,) eighty-one thousand four hundred and seventeen dollars and sixty cents. O0nnectim¢t.—For a fog·bell, to be rung by machinery, at the New Connecticut- Haven (Five Mile Point) light-house, one thousand dollars. New Y0rk.—For a beacon-light on one of the Sisi;er’s Islands, in the New York. St. Lawrence River, below Alexandria Bay, four thousand dollars. For repairing and securing the pier connected with the light-house at Oswego, New York, so as to prevent the destruction of said light-house, ten thousand dollars. Mchigan.—For a light-house on the north point of the peninsula di- Michigan. viding Grand Traverse Bay, six thousand dollars. For a lighthouse on the east side of Middle Island harbor, West Marquette, Eve thousand dollars. That five thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to repair the lighthouse pier at, Vermillion, Ohio. lWsc0min.-—For a. light-house on Green Island, or one of the adjacent Wisconsin. islands, Green Bay, six thousand dollars. For a lightrhouse on Raspberry Island, one of the Apostle Islands, Lake Superior, six thousand dollars. For a light-house at the mouth of Kewanee River, Lake Michigan, six thousand dollars. Mnnesota.—For a light-house at or near the mouth of Two Island Minnesota, River, Lake Superior, five thousand dollars. North Chrolina.-For a, beacon-range light at Ocracoke, seven hundred North Carolina. and fifty dollars; and that a, light be established at 2. suitable point at or near Hatteras inlet: Provided, That the lighthouse at Beacon Island and the Ocracoke light-vessel be discontinued after the erection and exhibition of the aforesaid beacondight, at the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury. South Oarolina.-—For two range beacomlights (in place of the “Over- South (jurglipg. all beacon-lights ") for the beach on Sul1iva.n’s Island channel, four thousand dollars. G'e0rgia.—-—For a light at a proper point in Saint Andrew’s Sound and for one in Saint Catharine Sound, Georgia, twenty thousand dollars. F7¢2rida.—For rebuilding the lighnhouse at Cape Canaveral, aud Htting megan. it up with a first-order catadioptric illuminating apparatus, (as per detailed estimate H, page 99, general estimates of appropriations for eighteen hundred and fifty-eigh1: and eighteen hundred and fifty-nine,) sixty-eight thousand seven hundred and fifty-one dollars and ten cents.