Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/488

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448 '1`HIB.TY—FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 32, 33, 34, 35. 1856. May gg, 1g5g_ Crum. XXXII.—-An A3! jzr t}1:S‘.;?-dg/"i;)L?Sé51>¢t;fnAf,:;gd0n G Easton, Au-is:;;;: —··**···* Ll(l7‘ €l`77L TI • Be it enacted by the Senate and Hazzsc of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting Swienwnf of officers of the Wzxr Department be, and they arc hereby, authorized and ’5°;‘;°'Es of directed to credit Captain Langdon C. Easton, assistant quartcrmaster Eu§<;n..United States army, on settlement of his accounts, with the sum of seventeen thousand six hundred and fifty dollars, being the amount of which he was dafrauded by his late clerk, Gustavus McHa.rc0urt., while stationed at Santa Fc, New Mexico. APPROVED, May 29, 1856. May 29, 1g5B_ CHAP. XXXIII. —— An Act for the Relief of John Orawford. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United John cmwford States of America in Congress assembled, That John Crawford be, and {*¤**;°**"*:“§° t he is hereby, authorized to locate certificate number three thousand one 8(;?)°:,}°°;0,.f§€€§ hundred and fifty, for eight hundred and ninety dollars and ninety cents, land-stoc}: on forfeited land-stock in the State of Mississippi, on any public lands in the {:'n9;LP“bh° United States subject to private entry, at not exceeding one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. Ar1>R0vm>, May 29, 1856. May gg, 1g5g_ CHA?. XXXIV.—An Act for the Reliof of William M. R Mcgraw. Be it enacted by the Senate and Muse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in consideration of Indian disturbances, and of the consequent increased expenses and diiH- culties of carrying the mails along the route number eight thousand nine .huudred and eleven, from Independence to Salt Lake, the Postmaster- Allowance to General is hereby authorized and required to allow and pay to William ‘Y;‘:, M· F· M“' M. F. Magraw, contractor for the mail service aforesaid, the sum of g° £hirty-six thousand dollars, for the year ending on the eighteenth day of August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six; which said allowance shall be in lieu of the present contract price for said service, and shall be paid out of the treasury. Sh:0. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury payment m be directed to pay out of the treasury, to the said William M. F. Mahim· gruw, seventeen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars, as full indemnity for his claim for property stolen and destroyed by the Inizlns, as included in his account filed with the Commissioner of Indian mrs. _C<mfract wich Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, that the contract heretofore entered mm *‘·“““u°d· into by said William M. F. Magmw, for the transportation of the mails on said route, bc, and the same is, with the assent of said Magraw, annulled from and after the eighteenth day of August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six; and that the Postmaster-General be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to let said contract for the term of four years from said day, and to advertise for proposals therefor. APPROVED, May 29, 1856. IJHHG 2, 1856- CHAP. XXXV.—An Act to incoqzoratg ft. gth0mas’ Literary Society in the District Q/` 0 HTH ld. B0 it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Nicholas D. Young, George J. A. Wilson, and Sidney A. Clarkson, and their suc· Incorporation- cesscrs, be, and they are hereby, made a body politic and corporate, forever, by the name of St. Th0mas’ Litex·a.ry Society, for purposes of