Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/530

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490 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 27, 28, 29. 1857. the Clerk’s office of the district court for the district of Indiana, not exceeding the sum of one hundred and thirty-eight dollars : Provided, That in each case proper vouchers be presented. APPROVED, January 28, 1857. JM, 33, 1857, Gun. XXVII.—An Act for the Reliefqf Charlotte Tamer. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Mrs. Charlotte States of America in Congress assembled, That Mm. Charlotte Turner be, T“'“”°" ““”h°r‘ and is hereby, authorized to enter, at the minimum price of one dollar ized to enter cer- [ain im; in Lou. and twenty-five cents per acre, the east half of the southeast quarter of isiana. section twenty-one, and the west half of the southwest quarter of section twenty-two, in township three, of range eight east, in the southeastern district, Louisiana, in virtue of her long settlement and valuable improvements thereon. Approved, January 28, 1857. Feb. 3, 1857, Gun. XXVIIL—An Act for the Re1ief¢y"C’harles Lucas, or his Legal Representatim, ——-1-—— and for other Purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United C*?“‘fl°‘ L“°“s States of America in Congress assembled, That Charles Lucas, or his or his represents- . . qw, conermed in legal representatives, be and he or they are hereby conhrmed in the theiqtitlc toland hereinafter described one hundred and twenty-five acres and fifty-eight "’ M1"""` one-hundredths of an acre, part. and parcel of a tract of three hundred and twenty-three acres and fourteen one-hundredths of an acre, located by virtue of New Madrid certiiicate number two hundred and thirteen, corresponding to survey number two thousand five hundred and ninety-two, lying in the Pahnyra, Missouri, land district, that is to say, the west half of the southwest quarter of section twenty-tive, a strip eighty-one links wide of the entire north side of the northwest quarter of section thirty-six, and so much of the south end of the east half of the southwest quarter of section twenty-five, township fifty-eight north, of range six west, as together will (with the said west half and said strip) make said quantity of one hundred and twenty-nine acres and fifty-eight one-hundredths of an acre, and that a patent be issued therefor to the said Charles Lucas, or his legal representatives, upon the receipt of a plat and survey of the same, executed by the proper officer, which said patent shall have the same thrce and effect as if the said certificate number two hundred and thirteen had issued for said quantity hereby conhrmed. John T. Redd Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That John T. Redd, for himself and m'";f:f;n°°1;;‘5 those claiming title derived from him, be and he is hereby permitted to in pigs50mi_ enter with the register and receiver of the proper land-oliice, at the price of one dollar and twenty-ive cents per acre, all the rest and residue of said east half of the southwest quarter of section twenty-five, in township fifty-eight north, of range six west, included in the location under said certificate number two hundred and thirteen, and not included in the said one hundred and twenty-nine acres and fifty-eight one-hundredths of an acre, so as aforesaid condrmed. Approved, February 3, 1857. Feb- 8, 1857. Gnu. XX`[X.—An Aecjbr the Reliefqfzhe Sureties ofDaniel mmm. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R resentatives of the United Relief of sure- States of America in Congress assembled, Thategavid Winslow, and James $,25,2; D’·“’°l N. Wirislow, and their legal representatives, and the real and personal ` property of each, be, and they are hereby, released and relieved from all judgments, and from all liens and incumbrances of said judgments, and all levies made by virtue thereof in favor of the United States obtained