Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/571

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THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 48, 49, 50, 51. 1858. 531 commencing January Erst, eighteen hundred and Hity-Eve, and such sum of eight dollars per month to continue during his natural life. APPROVED, May 24, 1858. Gun. XLVIII.-4n Act to revive an Act entitled "An Aetfw the Rolfe/' of the Heirs, M9-Y 24, 1858- or thezr legal Representatives, of William Conway, deceased. ’ WunRmAs the heirs 'of William Conway, deceased, or their legal rep· Presinble. resentatives, have never been able to avail themselves of the provisions in their favor contained in an act entitled "An_ act for the relief of the heirs, or their legal representatives, of William Conway, deceased," partly because of some error or mistake as to the location of the portion of the lands applied for under the act, and partly because of the existence of a legal controversy between the parties in interest under the provisions of said act: Thereforc~—- Be it enacted kg the Senate and House q/' Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the said act entitled "An _Former act roact for the relief of the heirs, or their legal representatives, of William gg? f°" °"° Conway, dcceased," approved July second, eighteen hundred and thirty- VOL vg. P. css. six, be, and the same is hereby, revived and continued in force for one year from the passage of this act, and no longer. Approved, May 24, 1858. CHAP. XLIX.—An Act for the Reliefqf the Reprecmmtives of VWll1kzm Smith, deceased, May 24, 1858. late of Louisiana. """" Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the claim of William _ Cla? _?; You- Smith to six hundred and forty acres of land, now occupied by William igfgm lféuismu B. Allen, in the parish of Livingston, in the State of Louisiana, and being confirmed to the same he resided on at the time of his death, and settled originally by h3';;, ggisggg Stephen Terry, and represented on the map of surveys as section number P ` thirty-nine (39), in township number six (6) south, of range number three east; and section number sixty (60), in township number six (6) south, of range number two (2) east, be, and the same is hereby, coniirmed to the said William Smith and to his heirs and representatives, and that a. patent shall issue therefor, as in other cases: Provided, That this Pmviso. act shall only operate as a. relinquishment forever on the part of the United States to said land, and shall not interfere with adverse valid rights of others, if such exist. Approved, May 24, 1858. CHAP- L.—A:a Act jbr the Reliefqf Me Heirs and legal Representatives of Pierre Bmus- May 24, 1858. sard, deceased. "`—""— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the heirs and legal rep- _ _ resentatives of Pierre Broussard, deceased, late of Louisiana, be, and BrSh¤¤;(_gfPt;°”° they are hereby, confirmed in their title to a certain tract of land situated mfg; Lonimm on the Bayou Teche, in the parish of St. Martin, in said State of Louis- connrmed to iana, and known on the recognized public surveys as section thirty-six h°“"° (36), in township eight (8) south, of range five (5) east, containing about one hundred and seventy acres: Prmnfded, That this confirmation shall Proviso. only operate as a relinquishment of title on the part of the United States, and shall not affect any adverse rights, if any such there be. Approved, May 24, 1858. Cru?. LI.-—An Act fir the Reliefq/'Regis Loiset, or his legal Representatives. M9? 2*, 1858- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives q" the United States of America in Uongress assemble0L That the said Regis Loisel, or Claim ofliegis