THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 30, 31, 32, 34. 1859. 559 thirty-eight dollars and forty-seven cents, being the balance of his accounts as United States agent for the construction of a light-house on Sand Key, in the State of Florida, as stated by the accounting ofilcers of the treasury. Approved, February 9, 1859. Gun. XXX.—An Act for the Relief of Henry Hubbard. pcb_ g, 1g5g_ Be it enacted by the Senate and Ibnse of Representatives of the United States of America in Uongress assembled, That there be allowed and paid, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Hem·y Hubbard, the sum of six hundred and seventy-two dollars and seventy- $672,7F>=¤¤<1i9- five cents, for his services as United States agent charged with the safe- mit °°HEf)bg‘;:,d keeping of the public property at the harbor of Ashtabula, in the State Y ` of Ohio, as certified by the Bureau of Topographical Engineers, with interest, at the rate of six per centum per annum, from the eleventh of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, from which time payment is shown to have been delayed for want of appropriation. Approved, February 9, 1859. Cntr. XXXL-An Act jbr the Relief of Mrs. Ambroise Brou, of the Parish of St. Feb. 9, 1859. Charles, State of Louisiana. "'“";' Be it enacted by the Senate and Ease of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Mrs. Ambroise Bron, of the parish of St. Charles, in the State of Louisiana, be, and she is hereby, confirmed in her title to lot or section six, township twelve south, range Land tit1¤c¤n· twenty east, and lot or section ten in township thirteen south, range twenty g‘;’n“§gJ£>lg{_%‘u east, in said State; said lands being the unoondrmed half of a tract of ` nine arpents twenty-six toises front, by eighty arpents in depth, the other half of which was confirmed to Ambroise Brou by the act of Congress of February twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and twenty-three, and is fully 1828,21:. 15. described in the report of the register of the land-office for the eastern V°l· “'·P·”7 district of Louisiana, dated the sixth January, eighteen hundred and twenty-one: Provided, That this act shall not atfect the right, title, or Prcviso. claim of any third person, but shall be construed simply as a quit-claim by the United States of any title in and to said tract of land. APPROVED, February 9, 1859. Cin?. XXXII.—-An Act or the Relie o the Heirs and le al R resentatives o Olivier Feb. 9, 1859. fLand·ry, ef/ih{State ¢y'LomLsian%. ep f _—‘—""‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the heirs and legal representatives and assigns of Olivier Landry be, and they are hereby, con- Lwdtitle ¤0¤- tirmed in their title to a certain tract of land situated in township ten mm°d‘ south, range five east, in the southwestern district of Louisiana, containing two hundred and thirty acres and eighty-four hundredths of an acre, being the tract on the township map of said township marked forty-nine, bounded on one side by a tract belonging to the heirs of Rene Trahan, and on the other by land formerly confirmed to said Olivier Landry: Provided, That P'°ViS°· this act shall only be construed as a relinquishment of any title that the United States may have to said lands, and shall not aH'ect any title that any third person may have in and to said lands. Approved, February 9, 1859. can-. mrv.-An Anja me may Captain Douglas omega. F¤*>- it 1859- Be it enacted by the Senate and 'Hbuse of Representatives of the Muited States of America in Oengress assembled, That there be paid to Captain Douglas Ottinger, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appro-