Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/769

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CONVENTION WITH PERU. JULY 4, 1857. 725 Convention between the United States ¢y" America and the Republic of Peru. `Interpreting the Tweyth Article of the Treaty of July 26, 1851. Signed at Lima, July 4, 1857. Ratified by President of United States, May 7, , 1858. Ratyications exchanged at Washington, October 13, 1858. Proclaimed by the President of the United States, October 14, 1858. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: A PROCLAMATION. ,,,1,,, 1857_ WVHEREAS a convention between the United States and the Republic of Peru with regard to the interpretation to be given to article XIIth of the Preamble. treaty of the twenty-sixth July, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, was signed at Lima on the fourth of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, which convention is, word for word, as follows : Certain doubts having arisen with Habiendose suscitado dudas sobre regard to the interpretation to be la inteligencia que debia darse al given to article twelfth of the treaty articulo 12 del tratado de 26 de Ju- V°rx·P· 931* of the 26th of July, 1851, as to the lio de 1851, relativo a las mercadegoods, other than oil and the produce rias, que adcmas del aceite y los of their fishery, that the whale ships productos de la pesca, se permite a of the United States may land and los buques balleneros de los Estados sell, or barter, duty free, for the pur- Unidos, desembarcar y vendor libres pose of obtaining provisions and re- de derechos, con el objeto de procufitting,a concession which, in articles rarse viveres y repararse; permiso eighty-one and one hundred and ten que en los articulos 81 y 110 del of the General Commercial Regula— Reglamento General de Comercio tions, is not so extensive; and it no tiene la misma latitud; y siendo being convenient, for the advantage conveniente en provecho del comerof the citizens of the United States cio de los naturales Peruanos que employed in the whale fishery, and proveen de viveres, y en utilidad de of the citizens of Peru, who furnish los ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos provisions, to fix, clearly and denni- que se dedican a la pesca, fijar clara tively, the proper meaning of the y detlnitivamente el sentido propio concessions stipulated in the above- de las concesiones estipuladas en el mentioned article twelfth of the treaty preindicado articulo 12 del tratado of the 26th July, 1851, so that while de 26 de Julio, de 1851, de manera those reciprocal benefits are secured, que, a la vez que se alcancen aquelall and every controversy in the mat- las reciprocas ventajas, se eviten ter may be avoided: para en adelante cualesquiera dife- The envoy extraordinary and min- rencias sobre esta materia: ister plenipotentiary of the United Su exelencia el ministro de rela- Negotiating, States of America to the Republic ciones esteriores dc la Republica del of Peru, John Randolph Clay, in Peru, Doctor Don Manuel Ortiz de virtue of his full powers, and his ex- Zevallos, autorisado al efecto por el cellency Doctor Don Manuel Ortiz exelentisimo eonsejo de ministros de Zevallos, minister of foreign af- encargado del gobierno de la Repubfairs of the Republic of Peru, fully lica; y su exelencia el Senor Juan authorized to act in the premises by Randolfo Clay, enviado extraordinathe excellent council of ministers rio yministro plenipotenciario de los charged with the government of the Estados Unidos cerca del gobierno Republic, after having held repeated del Peru, en virtud de sus plenos conferences, and come to a mutual poderes;despues dc haber conferen-