Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/91

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THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 128. 1856. 71 five hundred dollars, to the first July, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, at five per centum, for education or other beneficial purposes, under the direction of the President, per second article treaty nineteenth Octo- Vol. vii. p. 568. ber, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, and ninth article treaty seven- Vol. x. p. 1071. teenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-fair, two thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars. Kamas.—For interest in lieu of investment on two hundred thousand Kansasdollars, at five per centum, per second article treaty fourteenth January, Vol- ix- p- 842- eighteen hundred and forty-six, ten thousand dollars. Kaskaskias, Peorias, Wm, and Pian/:e.s·haws.——For payment of the Ka-ska-=ki¤·¤. last of three instalments in money, of thirteen thousand dollars each, for §§3"”* ,,,g§,°‘gj purchase of former permanent annuities, and relinquishment of claims Shaw;. and damages, per sixth article treaty thirtieth May, eighteen hundred and Vol.:. p. 1088. fifty-four, thirteen thousand dollars. For the third of five instalments for support of blacksmith and assistant, per sixth article treaty thirtieth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, seven hundred and twenty dollars. For the third of five instalments for purchase of iron and steel, per sixth article treaty thirtieth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two hundred and twenty dollars. 16a/ca_pa0s.—-For third instalment of interest at five per centum on one Kickapoos. hundred thousand dollars for education, per second article treaty eigh- Vol. x. p. 1079. teenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, five thousand dollars. For the payment of this sum as the third instalment upon two hundred thousand dollars, per second article treaty eighteenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, twenty thousand dollars. Mn0monies.—For drst of twelve instalments for continuing and keep- Menomonie;. ing up blacksmith shop and providing the usual quantity of iron and steel, per fourth article treaty eighteenth October, eighteen hundred and V°1- lx- P- 952- forty-eight, and third article treaty twelfth May, eighteen hundred and V0]-!- P- 1**6*- nity-four, nine hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty-six cents. For first of ten instalments of annuity upon two hundred thousand dollars, balance of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars for cession 0. lands, per fourth article treaty eighteenth October, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, and third article treaty twelfth May,/eighteen hundred and nity-tour, twenty thousand dollars. .IWamiex.——For permanent provision for blacksmith and assistant, and iron and steel for shop, per Efth article treaty sixth October, eighteen Mamie;. hundred and eighteen, and thurth article treaty fifth June, eighteen hun- Vol. vii. p. 191. dred and fifty-four, nine hundred and forty dollars. Vol. x. p. 1093. For permanent provision for miller, in lieu of gunsmith, per fifth article treaty sixth October, eighteen hundred and eighteen, fifth article Vo1.vii.p. 191. treaty twenty-third October, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, and fourth Vol. vii. p. 464. article treaty fifth June, eighteen hundred.and fifty-four, six hundred Vo}. x. p. 1093. dollars. For sixteenth of twenty instalments in money, per second article treaty twenty-eighth November, eighteen hundred and forty, and fourth V<>1.vii·p· 583 and sixth articles treaty fifth June, eighteen hundred and Efty-four, twelve thousand and five hundred dollars. For interest on investment of two hundred and twenty-one thousand two hundred and fifty-seven dollars and eighty-six cents, at five per centum, for Miami Indians of Indiana, per Senate’s amendment to fourth article treaty fifth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, eleven thousand and sixty-two dollars and eighty-nine cents. For interest on fifty thousand dollars, at five per centum, for educational purposes, per third article treaty fifth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand five hundred dollars. For third of six equal annual instalments to Miamies residing on ceded lands, for purchase of former perpetual and other annuities and