Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 1.djvu/119

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PUBLIC LAW 104-104—FEB. 8, 1996 110 STAT. 95 considered to violate the nondiscrimination provisions of subsection (c). "(h) TRANSITION.— With respect to any activity in which a Bell operating company is engaged on the date of enactment of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, such company shall have one year from such date of enactment to comply with the requirements of this section. "SEC. 273. MANUFACTURING BY BELL OPERATING COMPANIES. 47 USC 273 "(a) AUTHORIZATION. —^A Bell operating company may manufacture and provide telecommunications equipment, and manufacture customer premises equipment, if the Commission authorizes that Bell operating company or any Bell operating company affiliate to provide interLATA services under section 271(d), subject to the requirements of this section and the regulations prescribed thereunder, except that neither a Bell operating company nor any of its affiliates may engage in such manufacturing in conjunction with a Bell operating company not so affiliated or any of its affiliates. "(b) COLLABORATION; RESEARCH AND ROYALTY AGREEMENTS.— "(1) COLLABORATION.— Subsection (a) shall not prohibit a Bell operating company from engaging in close collaboration with any manufacturer of customer premises equipment or telecommunications equipment during the design and development of hardware, software, or combinations thereof related to such equipment. "(2) CERTAIN RESEARCH ARRANGEMENTS; ROYALTY AGREE- MENTS. — Subsection (a) shall not prohibit a Bell operating company from— "(A) engaging in research activities related to manufacturing, and "(B) entering into royalty agreements with manufacturers of telecommunications equipment. " (c) INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS. — "(1) INFORMATION ON PROTOCOLS AND TECHNICAL REQUIRE- Regulations. MENTS. —Each Bell operating company shall, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Commission, maintain and file with the Commission full and complete information with respect to the protocols and technical requirements for connection with and use of its telephone exchange service facilities. Each such company shall report promptly to the Commission any material changes or planned changes to such protocols and requirements, and the schedule for implementation of such changes or planned changes. "(2) DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION. —A Bell operating company shall not disclose any information required to be filed under paragraph (1) unless that information has been filed promptly, as required by regulation by the Commission. "(3) ACCESS BY COMPETITORS TO INFORMATION.—The Commission may prescribe such additional regulations under this subsection as may be necessary to ensure that manufacturers have access to the information with respect to the protocols and technical requirements for connection with and use of telephone exchange service facilities that a Bell operating company makes available to any manufacturing affiliate or any unaffiliated manufacturer.