Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 1.djvu/269

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PUBLIC LAW 104-10&—FEB. 10, 1996 110 STAT. 245 and maintain a national science center under this section. In entering into an agreement with NSC Discovery Center, Incorporated, the Secretary may agree to any term or condition to which the Secretary is authorized under this section to agree for purposes of entering into an agreement with the Foundation. "(2) The Secretary may exercise the authority under paragraph (1) in addition to, or instead of, exercising the authority provided under this section to enter into an agreement with the Foundation.". TITLE III—OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Subtitle A—Authorization of Appropriations SEC. 301. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE FUNDING. Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 1996 for the use of the Armed Forces and other activities and agencies of the Department of Defense for expenses, not otherwise provided for, for operation and maintenance, in amounts as follows: (1) For the Army, $18,746,695,000. (2) For the Navy, $21,493,155,000. (3) For the Marine Corps, $2,521,822,000. (4) For the Air Force, $18,719,277,000. (5) For Defense-wide activities, $9,910,476,000. (6) For the Army Reserve, $1,129,191,000. (7) For the Naval Reserve, $868,342,000. (8) For the Marine Corps Reserve, $100,283,000. (9) For the Air Force Reserve, $1,516,287,000. (10) For the Army National Guard, $2,361,808,000. (11) For the Air National Guard, $2,760,121,000. (12) For the Defense Inspector General, $138,226,000. (13) For the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, $6,521,000. (14) For Environmental Restoration, Defense, $1,422,200,000. (15) For Drug Interdiction and Counter-drug Activities, Defense-wide, $680,432,000. (16) For Medical Programs, Defense, $9,876,525,000. (17) For support for the 1996 Summer Olympics, $15,000,000. (18) For Cooperative Threat Reduction programs, $300,000,000. (19) For Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid programs, $50,000,000. SEC. 302. WORKING CAPITAL FUNDS. Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 1996 for the use of the Armed Forces and other activities and agencies of the Department of Defense for providing capital for working capital and revolving funds in amounts as follows: (1) For the Defense Business Operations Fund, $878,700,000. (2) For the National Defense Sealift Fund, $1,024,220,000.