Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 1.djvu/920

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110 STAT. 896 PUBLIC LAW 104-127—APR. 4, 1996 Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 891. Transfer of aquacultural research center. 892. Use of remote sensing data and other data to anticipate potential food, feed, and fiber shortages or excesses and to provide timely information to assist farmers with planting decisions. 893. Sense of Senate regarding methyl bromide edtemative research and extension activities. Subtitle E—Research Authority After Fiscal Year 1997 897. Authorization of appropriations. 898. Activities subject to availability of appropriations. TITLE IX—MISCELLANEOUS Subtitle A—Commercial Transportation of Equine for Slaughter 901. Fi ndings. 902. Definitions. 903. Regulation of commercial transportation of equine for slaughter. 904. Limitation of authority to equine for slaughter. 905. Effective date. Subtitle B—General Provisions 911. Interstate quarantine. 912. Cotton classification services. 913. Plant variety protection for certain tuber propagated plant varieties. 914. Swine health protection. 915. Designation of Mount Pleasant National Scenic Area. 916. Pseuoorabies eradication program. 917. Collection and use of agricultural quarantine and inspection fees. Meat and poultry inspection. Reimbursable agreements. 920. Overseas tort claims. 921. Operation of Graduate School of Department nonappropriated fund instrumentality. Student internship programs. Conveyance of excess Federal personal property. Conveyance of land to White Oak Cemetery. 925. Sale of land by the University of Arkansas. 926. Designation of Dale Bumpers Small Farms Research Center. 927. Department of Agriculture Washington Area Strategic Space Plan. 928. Severability. 918 919 922 923 924 of Agriculture as Agricultural Market Transition Act. Contracts. Loans. TITLE I—AGRICULTURAL MARKET TRANSITION ACT Subtitle A—Short Title, Purpose, and Definitions 7 USC 7201. SEC. 101. SHORT TITLE AND PURPOSE. (a) SHORT TITLE. —This title may be cited as the "Agricultural Market Transition Act". (b) PURPOSE. — It is the purpose of this title— (1) to authorize the use of binding production flexibility contracts between the United States and agricultural producers to support farming certainty and flexibility while ensuring continued compliance with farm conservation and wetland protection requirements; (2) to make nonrecourse marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments available for certain crops; (3) to improve the operation of farm programs for milk, peanuts, and sugar; and (4) to establish a commission to undertake a comprehensive review of past and future production agriculture in the United States.