Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 2.djvu/283

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PUBLIC LAW 104-134—APR. 26, 1996 110 STAT. 1321-136 are relevant to its duties under this part and shall make available to the public, at reasonable cost, transcripts of such proceedings. SEC. 2314. CONSULTANTS. Upon the request of the World Class Schools Task Force, the head of any department or agency of the Federal Government may detail any of the personnel of such agency to such task force to assist such task force in carrying out such task force's duties under this part. SEC. 2315. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There are authorized to be appropriated $2,000,000 for fiscal year 1997 to carry out this part. Such funds shall remain available until expended. PART 2—PROMOTION GATES SEC. 2321. PROMOTION GATES. (a) KINDERGARTEN THROUGH 4TH GRADE. — Not later than one year after the date of adoption in accordance with section 2311(d) of the assessments described in section 2311(b)(1)(C), the Superintendent shall establish and implement promotion gates for mathematics, reading, and writing, for not less than one grade level from kindergarten through grade 4, including at least grade 4, and shall establish dates for establishing such other promotion gates for other subject areas. (b) 5TH THROUGH 8TH GRADES.— Not later than one year after the adoption in accordance with section 2311(d) of the assessments described in section 2311(b)(1)(C), the Superintendent shall establish and implement promotion gates with respect to not less than one grade level from grade 5 through grade 8, including at least grade 8. (c) 9TH THROUGH 12TH GRADES. —Not later than one year after the adoption in accordance with section 2311(d) of the assessments described in section 2311(b)(1)(C), the Superintendent shall establish and implement promotion gates with respect to not less than one grade level from grade 9 through grade 12, including at least grade 12. Subtitle D—Per Capita District of Columbia Public School and Public Charter School Funding SEC. 2401. ANNUAL BUDGETS FOR SCHOOLS. (a) IN GENERAL.— For fiscal year 1997 and for each subsequent fiscal year, the Mayor shall make annual payments from the general fund of the District of Columbia in accordance with the formula established under subsection (b). (b) FORMULA.— * (1) IN GENERAL.— The Mayor and the District of Columbia Council, in consultation with the Board of Education and the Superintendent, shall establish not later than 90 days after enactment of this Act, a formula to determine the amount of— (A) the annual payment to the Board of Education for the operating expenses of the District of Columbia public schools, which for purposes of this paragraph includes the