Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 2.djvu/688

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110 STAT. 1480 PUBLIC LAW 104-168-^ULY 30, 1996 the principal office of such organization and, if such organization regularly maintains 1 or more regional or district offices having 3 or more employees, at each such regional or district office, and "(ii) upon request of an individual made at such principal office or such a regional or district office, a copy of such annual return shall be provided to such individual without charge other than a reasonable fee for any reproduction and mailing costs. The request described in clause (ii) must be made in person or in writing. If the request under clause (ii) is made in person, such copy shall be provided immediately and, if made in writing, shall be provided within 30 days.". (2) Clause (ii) of section 6104(e)(2)(A) is amended by inserting before the period at the end the following: "(and, upon request of an individual made at such principal office or such a regional or district office, a copy of the material requested to be available for inspection under this subparagraph shall be provided (in accordance with the last sentence of paragraph (1){A)) to such individual without charge other than reasonable fee for any reproduction and mailing costs)". (3) Subsection (e) of section 6104 is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: "(3) LIMITATION. — Paragraph (l)(A)(ii) (and the corresponding provision of paragraph (2)) sh^l not apply to any request if, in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Secretary, the organization has made the requested documents widely available, or, the Secretary determines, upon application by an organization, that such request is part of a harassment campaign and that compliance with such request is not in the public interest.". (b) INCREASE IN PENALTY FOR WILLFUL FAILURE TO ALLOW PUBLIC INSPECTION OF CERTAIN RETURNS, ETC. —Section 6685 is amended by striking "$1,000" and inserting "$5,000". 26 USC 6104 (c) EFFECTIVE DATE. —The amendments made by this section note. shall apply to requests made on or after the 60th day sifter the Secretary of the Treasury first issues the regulations referred to section 6104(e)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as added by subsection (a)(3)). SEC. 1314. INCREASE IN PENALTIES ON EXEMPT ORGANIZATIONS FOR FAILURE TO FILE COMPLETE AND TIMELY ANNUAL RETURNS. (a) IN GENERAL. —Subparagraph (A) of section 6652(c)(1) (relating to annual returns under section 6033) is amended by striking "$10" and inserting "$20" and by striking "$5,000" and inserting " $10,000". (b) LARGER PENALTY ON ORGANIZATIONS HAVING GROSS RECEIPTS IN EXCESS OF $1,000,000.— Subparagraph (A) of section 6652(c)(1) is amended by adding at the end the following new sentence: "In the case of an organization having gross receipts exceeding $1,000,000 for any year, with respect to the return required under section 6033 for such year, the first sentence of this subparagraph shall be applied by substituting '$100' for '$20' and, in lieu of applying the second sentence of this subparagraph, the maximum penalty under this subparagraph shall not exceed $50,000. ".