Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 3.djvu/900

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110 STAT. 2630 PUBLIC LAW 104-201—SEPT. 23, 1996 Sec. 1042. Annual report on emerging operational concepts. Sec. 1043. Report on Department of Defense military child care programs. Sec. 1044. Report on Department of Defense military youth programs. Sec. 1045. Quarterly reports regarding coproduction agreements. Sec. 1046. Report on witness interview procedures for Department of Defense criminal investigations. Sec. 1047. Report on military readiness requirements of the Armed Forces. Sec. 1048. Report on NATO enlargement. Subtitle E—Management of Armed Forces Retirement Home Sec. 1051. Retirement Home Boards of Directors. Sec. 1052. Acceptance of uncompensated services. Sec. 1053. Disposal of tract of real property in the District of Columbia. Subtitle F—Other Matters Sec. 1061. Policy on protection of national information infrastructure against strategic attack. Sec. 1062. Information systems security program. Sec. 1063. Authority to accept services from foreign governments and international organizations for defense purposes. Sec. 1064. Prohibition on collection and release of detailed satellite imagery relating to Israel. Sec. 1065. George C. Marshall European Center for Strategic Security Studies. Sec. 1066. Authority to award to civilian participants in the defense of Pearl Harbor the Congressional Medal previously authorized only for military participants in the defense of Pearl Harbor. Sec. 1067. Assimilative crimes authority for traffic offenses on military installations. Sec. 1068. Uniform Code of Military Justice amendments. Sec. 1069. Punishment of interstate stalking. Sec. 1070. Participation of members, dependents, and other persons in crime prevention efforts at installations. Sec. 1071. Display of State flags at installations and facilities of the Department of Defense. Sec. 1072. Treatment of excess operational support airlift aircraft. Sec. 1073. Correction to statutory references to certain Department of Defense organizations. Sec. 1074. Technical and clerical amendments. Sec. 1075. Modification to third-party liability to United States for tortious infliction of imury or disease on members of the uniformed services. Sec. 1076. Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program. Sec. 1077. Exemption from requirements applicable to savings associations for certain savings institutions serving military personnel. Sec. 1078. Improvements to National Security Education Program. Sec. 1079. Aviation and vessel war risk insurance. Sec. 1080. Designation of memorial as National D-Day Memorial. Sec. 1081. Sense of Congress regarding semiconductor trade agreement between United States and Japan. Sec. 1082. Agreements for exchange of defense personnel between the United States and foreign countries. Sec. 1083. Sense of Senate regarding Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sec. 1084. Defense burdensharing. Subtitle A—Financial Matters SEC. 1001. TRANSFER AUTHORITY. (a) AUTHORITY TO TRANSFER AUTHORIZATIONS. —(1) Upon determination by the Secretary of Defense that such action is necessary in the national interest, the Secretary may transfer amounts of authorizations made available to the Department of Defense in this division for fiscal year 1997 between any such authorizations for that fiscal year (or any subdivisions thereof). Amounts of authorizations so transferred shall be merged with and be available for the same purposes as the authorization to which transferred. (2) The total amount of authorizations that the Secretary of Defense may transfer under the authority of this section may not exceed $2,000,000,000.