Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 4.djvu/260

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110 STAT. 3009-97 PUBLIC LAW 104-208—SEPT. 30, 1996 41 USC lOb-2. Accounting Office studies requested by a Member of Congress or a Congressional Committee; and (b) the potential future uses of the nine chemical disposal facilities other than for the destruction of stockpile chemical munitions and as limited by section 1412(c)(2), Public Law 99-145: Provided, That this prohibition does not apply to future use studies for the CAMDS facility at Tooele, Utah. SEC. 8039. None of the funds appropriated or made available in this Act shall be used to procure carbon, alloy or armor steel plate for use in any Government-owned facility or property under the control of the Department of Defense which were not melted and rolled in the United States or Canada: Provided, That these procurement restrictions shall apply to any and all Federal Supply Class 9515, American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) or American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) specifications of carbon, alloy or armor steel plate: Provided further. That the Secretary of the military department responsible for the procurement may waive this restriction on a case-by-case basis by certifying in writing to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate that adequate domestic supplies are not available to meet Department of Defense requirements on a timely basis and that such an acquisition must be made in order to acquire capability for national security purposes: Provided further. That these restrictions shall not apply to contracts which are in being as of the date of enactment of this Act. SEC. 8040. For the purposes of this Act, the term "congressional defense committees" means the National Security Committee of the House of Representatives, the Armed Services Committee of the Senate, the subcommittee on Defense of the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate, and the subcommittee on National Security of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives. SEC. 8041. During the current fiscal year, the Department of Defense may acquire the modification, depot maintenance and repair of aircraft, vehicles and vessels as well as the production of components and other Defense-related articles, through competition between Department of Defense depot maintenance activities and private firms: Provided, That the Senior Acquisition Executive of the military department or defense agency concerned, with power of delegation, shall certify that successful bids include comparable estimates of all direct and indirect costs for both public and private bids: Provided further. That Office of Management and Budget Circular A-76 shall not apply to competitions conducted under this section. SEC. 8042. (a)(1) If the Secretary of Defense, after consultation with the United States Trade Representative, determines that a foreign country which is party to an agreement described in paragraph (2) has violated the terms of the agreement by discriminating against certain types of products produced in the United States that are covered by the agreement, the Secretary of Defense shall rescind the Secretary's blanket waiver of the Buy American Act with respect to such types of products produced in that foreign country. (2) An agreement referred to in paragraph (1) is any reciprocal defense procurement memorandum of understanding, between the United States and a foreign country pursuant to which the Secretary