Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 4.djvu/42

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110 STAT. 2888 PUBLIC LAW 104-204—SEPT. 26, 1996 the supportive services may include congregate services for the elderly and disabled, service coordinators, and coordinated educational, training, and other supportive services, including academic skills training, job search assistance, assistance related to retaining employment, vocational and entrepreneurship development and support programs, transportation, and child care: Provided further, That the Secretary shall require applications to demonstrate firm commitments of funding or services from other sources: Provided further. That the Secretary shall select public and Indian housing agencies to receive assistance under this head on a competitive basis, taking into account the quality of the proposed program (including any innovative approaches, the extent of the proposed coordination of supportive services, the extent of commitments of funding or services from other sources, the extent to which the proposed program includes reasonably achievable, quantifiable goals for measuring performance under the program over a three-year period, the extent of success an agency has had in carrying out other comparable initiatives, and other appropriate criteria established by the Secretary): Provided further. That from the foregoing $60,000,000, up to $5,000,000 shall be available for the Tenant Opportunity Program, and up to $5,000,000 shall be available for the Moving to Work Demonstration for public housing families. Of the amount made available under this heading, notwithstanding any other provision of law, $20,000,000 shall be available for grants to entities managing or operating public housing developments, federally-assisted multifamily-housing developments, or other multifamily-housing developments for low-income families supported by non-Federal governmental entities or similar housing developments supported by nonprofit private sources, to reimburse local law enforcement entities for additional police presence in and around such housing developments; to provide or augment such security services by other entities or employees of the recipient agency; to assist in the investigation and/or prosecution of drug related criminal activity in and around such developments; and to provide assistance for the development of capital improvements at such developments directly relating to the security of such developments: Provided, That such grants shall be made on a competitive basis as specified in section 102 of the ETUD Reform Act. Of the amount made available under this heading, notwithstanding any other provision of law, $30,000,000 shall be available for youthbuild program activities authorized by subtitle D of title rV of the Cranston-Gronzalez National Affordable Housing Act, as amended, and such activities shall be an eligible activity with respect to any funds made available under this heading. Of the amount made available under this heading, notwithstanding any other provision of law, $60,000,000 shall be available for the lead-based paint hazard reduction program as authorized under sections 1011 and 1053 of the Residential Lead-Based Hazard Reduction Act of 1992. For the cost of guaranteed loans, $31,750,000, as authorized by section 108 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974: Provided, That such costs, including the cost of modifying such loans, shall be as defined in section 502 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, as amended: Provided further. That these funds are available to subsidize total loan principal, any part of which is to be guaranteed, not to exceed $1,500,000,000, notwithstanding any aggregate limitation on outstanding obligations