Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 5.djvu/632

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110 STAT. 3706 PUBLIC LAW 104-303—OCT. 12, 1996 status or continued in a ready reserve status or whether another Federal hopper dredge should be placed in a ready reserve status. " (7) LIMITATIONS.— "(A) REDUCTIONS IN STATUS. —The Secretary may not further reduce the readiness status of any Federal hopper dredge below a ready reserve status except any vessel placed in such status for not less than 5 years that the Secretary determines has not been used sufficiently to justify retaining the vessel in such status. " (B) INCREASE IN ASSIGNMENTS OF DREDGING WORK.— For each fiscal year beginning after the date of the enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall not assign any greater quantity of dredging work to any Federal hopper dredge in active status than was assigned to that vessel in the average of the 3 prior fiscal years. "(C) REMAINING DREDGES.—In carrying out the program under this section, the Secretary shall not reduce the availability and utilization of Federal hopper dredge vessels stationed on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts below that which occurred in fiscal year 1996 to meet the navigation dredging needs of the ports on those coasts. "(8) CONTRACTS; PAYMENT OF CAPITAL COSTS.— The Secretary may enter into a contract for the maintenance and crowing of any Federal hopper dredge retained in a ready reserve status. The capital costs (including depreciation costs) of any dredge retained in such status shall be paid for out of funds made available from the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund and shall not be charged against the Corps of Engineers' Revolving Fund Account or any individual project cost unless the dredge is specifically used in connection with that project.". TITLE III—PROJECT-RELATED PROVISIONS SEC. 301. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS. (a) PROJECTS WITH REPORTS. — (1) SAN FRANCISCO RIVER AT CLIFTON, ARIZONA. — The project for flood control, San Francisco River at Clifton, Arizona, authorized by section 101(a)(3) of the Water Resources Development Act of 1990 (104 Stat. 4606), is modified to authorize the Secretary to construct the project substantially in accordance with the report of the Corps of Engineers dated May 28, 1996, at a total cost of $21,100,000, with an estimated Federal cost of $13,800,000 and an estimated non-Federal cost of $7,300,000. (2) OAKLAND HARBOR, CALIFORNIA.—The projects for navigation, Oakland Outer Harbor, California, and Oakland Inner Harbor, California, authorized by section 202 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (100 Stat. 4092), are modified to direct the Secretary— (A) to combine the 2 projects into 1 project, to be designated as the Oakland Harbor, California, project; and (B) to carry out the combined project substantially in accordance with the plans and subject to the conditions recommended in the report of the Corps of Engineers dated