Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 1.djvu/154

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Ill STAT. 130 PUBLIC LAW 105-17^TUNE 4, 1997 "Subpart 2—Coordinated Research, Personnel Preparation, Technical Assistance, Support, and Dissemination of Information 20 USC 1461. "SEC. 661. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS. " (a) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN.— "(1) IN GENERAL.— The Secretary shall develop and implement a comprehensive plan for activities carried out under this subpart in order to enhance the provision of educational, related, transitional, and early intervention services to children with disabilities under parts B and C. The plan shall include mechanisms to address educational, related services, transitional, and early intervention needs identified by State educational agencies in applications submitted for State program improvement grants under subpart 1. "(2) PARTICIPANTS IN PLAN DEVELOPMENT. —In developing the plan described in paragraph (1), the Secretary shall consult with— " (A) individuals with disabilities; "(B) parents of children with disabilities; "(C) appropriate professionals; and "(D) representatives of State and local educational agencies, private schools, institutions of higher education, other Federal agencies, the National Council on Disability, and national organizations with an interest in, and expertise in, providing services to children with disabilities and their families. "(3) PUBLIC COMMENT.—The Secretary shall take public comment on the plan. "(4) DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS.— In implementing the plan, the Secretary shall, to the extent appropriate, ensure that funds are awarded to recipients under this subpart to carry out activities that benefit, directly or indirectly, children with disabilities of all ages. "(5) REPORTS TO CONGRESS.—The Secretary shall periodically report to the Congress on the Secretary's activities under this subsection, including an initial report not later than the date that is 18 months after the date of the enactment of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997. "(b) ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS.— "(1) IN GENERAL. — Except as otherwise provided in this subpart, the following entities are eligible to apply for a grant, contract, or cooperative agreement under this subpart: "(A) A State educational agency. "(B) A local educational agency. "(C) An institution of higher education. "(D) Any other public agency. "(E) A private nonprofit organization. "(F) An outlying area. "(G) An Indian tribe or a tribal organization (as defined under section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act).