Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 2.djvu/660

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Ill STAT. 1740 PUBLIC LAW 105-85—NOV. 18, 1997 SEC. 533. IMPROVEMENTS IN PHYSICAL FITNESS OF RECRUITS. (a) IN GENERAL. —The Secretary of Defense shall take steps to improve the physical fitness of recruits before they enter basic training. (b) SPECIFIC STEPS.— As part of those improvements, the Secretary shall take the following steps: (1) Direct the Secretary of each military department to implement programs under which new recruits who are in the Delayed Entry Program are encouraged to participate in physical fitness activities before reporting to basic training. (2) Develop a range of incentives for new recruits to participate in physical fitness programs, as well as for those recruits who improve their level of fitness while in the Delayed Entry Program, which may include access to Department of Defense military fitness facilities, and access to military medical facilities in the case of a recruit who is injured while participating in physical activities with recruiters or other military personnel. (3) Evaluate whether partnerships between recruiters and reserve components, or other innovative arrangements, could provide a pool of qualified personnel to assist in the conduct of physical training programs for new recruits in the Delayed Entry Program. Subtitle E—Military Education and Training PART I—OFFICER EDUCATION PROGRAMS SEC. 541. REQUIREMENT FOR CANDIDATES FOR ADMISSION TO UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY TO TAKE OATH OF ALLEGIANCE. (a) REQUIREMENT.— Section 6958 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: "(d) To be admitted to the Naval Academy, an appointee must take and subscribe to an oath prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy. If a candidate for admission refuses to take and subscribe to the prescribed oath, the candidate's appointment is terminated.". (b) EXCEPTION FOR MIDSHIPMEN FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES.— Section 6957 of such title is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: "(d) A person receiving instruction under this section is not subject to section 6958(d) of this title.". SEC. 542. SERVICE ACADEMY FOREIGN EXCHANGE PROGRAM. (a) UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY. —(1) Chapter 403 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 4344 the following new section: §4345. Exchange program with foreign military academies "(a) EXCHANGE PROGRAM AUTHORIZED.—The Secretary of the Army may permit a student enrolled at a military academy of a foreign country to receive instruction at the Academy in exchange for a cadet receiving instruction at that foreign military academy pursuant to an exchange agreement entered into between the Secretary and appropriate officials of the foreign country. Students receiving instruction at the Academy under the exchange program