Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 3.djvu/124

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Ill STAT. 2212 PUBLIC LAW 105-102—NOV. 20, 1997 the deadline is not met, the Secretary of Transportation and the Airports Authority are subject to the Hmitations of section 49108 of this title until all members referred to in paragraph (1)(D) are appointed. "(D) A member appointed by the President may be removed by the President for cause. "(7) Eight votes are required to approve bond issues and the annual budget. "(d) CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. —Members of the board and their immediate families may not be employed by or otherwise hold a substantial financial interest in any enterprise that has or is seeking a contract or agreement with the Airports Authority or is an aeronautical, aviation services, or airport services enterprise that otherwise has interests that can be directly affected by the Airports Authority. The official appointing a member may make an exception if the financial interest is completely disclosed when the member is appointed and the member does not participate in board decisions that directly affect the interest. "(e) CERTAIN ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN BY REGULATION. — An action of the Airports Authority changing, or having the effect of changing, the hours of operation of, or the type of aircraft serving, either of the Metropolitan Washington Airports may be taken only by regulation of the Airports Authority. "(f) ADMINISTRATIVE.— To assist the Secretary in carrying out this chapter, the Secretary may hire 2 staff individuals to be paid by the Airports Authority. The Airports Authority shall provide clerical and support staff that the Secretary may require. "(g) REVIEW OF CONTRACTING PROCEDURES. —The Comptroller General shall review contracts of the Airports Authority to decide whether the contracts were awarded by procedures that follow sound Government contracting principles and comply with section Reports. 49104(a)(4) of this title. The Comptroller General shall submit periodic reports of the conclusions reached as a result of the review to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate. '*§ 49107. Federal employees at Metropolitan Washington Airports " (a) LABOR AGREEMENTS.—(1) The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority shall adopt all labor agreements that were in effect on June 7, 1987. Unless the parties otherwise agree, the agreements must be renegotiated before June 7, 1992. "(2) Employee protection arrangements made under this section shall ensure, during the 50-year lease term, the continuation of all collective bargaining rights enjoyed by transferred employees retained by the Airports Authority. " (b) CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT.—Any Federal employee who transferred to the Airports Authority and who on June 6, 1987, was subject to subchapter III of chapter 83 or chapter 84 of title 5, is subject to subchapter II of chapter 83 or chapter 84 for so long as continually employed by the Airports Authority without a bredc in service. For purposes of subchapter III of chapter 83 and chapter 84, employment by the Airports Authority without a break in continuity of service is deemed to be employment by the United States Government. The Airports Authority is the employing agency for purposes of subchapter III of chapter 83