Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 3.djvu/554

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Ill STAT. 2642 PUBLIC LAW 105-138—DEC. 2, 1997 Public Law 105-138 105th Congress An Act Dec. 2, 1997 To provide for the design, construction, furnishing, and eqmpping of a Center [S. 1559] ^*"' Historically Black Heritage within Florida A&M University. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. CONSTRUCTION OF A CENTER FOR REGIONAL BLACK CUL- TURE. (a) FINDINGS. — Congress makes the following findings: (1) Currently 500,000 historically important artifacts of the Civil War era and the early days of the civil rights movement in the Southeast region of the United States are housed at Florida A&M University. (2) To preserve this large repository of African-American history and artifacts it is appropriate that the Federal Government share in the cost of construction of this national repository for culture and history. (b) DEFINITION.— In this section: (1) CENTER. — The term "Center" means the Center for Historically Black Heritage at Florida A&M University. (2) SECRETARY. — The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Interior acting through the Director of the National Park Service. (c) CONSTRUCTION OF CENTER.— The Secretary may award a grant to the State of Florida to pay for the Federal share of the cost, design, construction, furnishing, and equipping of the Center at Florida A&M University. (d) GRANT REQUIREMENTS.— (1) IN GENERAL.—In order to receive a grant awarded under subsection (c), Florida A&M University, shall submit to the Secretary a proposal. (2) FEDERAL SHARE.— The Federal share described in subsection (c) shall be 50 percent.