Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 3.djvu/588

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Ill STAT. 2676 PUBLIC LAW 105-146—DEC. 16, 1997 concerning the findings of this study no later than September 30, 1998. "(c) REPORTS. — The Secretaries shall make biennial reports to the Congress and to the Commission concerning the progress and findings of studies conducted under subsection (a) and shall make those reports public. Such reports shall, to the extent appropriate, contain recommendations of actions which could be taken to encourage the sustainable management of Atlantic striped bass. «SEC. 7. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS; COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS. " (a) AUTHORIZATION.—For each of fiscal years 1998, 1999, and 2000, there are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this Act— "(1) $800,000 to the Secretary of Commerce; and "(2) $250,000 to the Secretary of the Interior. "(b) COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS.— The Secretaries may enter into cooperative agreements with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission or with States, for the purpose of using amounts appropriated pursuant to this section to provide financial assistance for carrying out the purposes of this Act, "SEC. 8. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN PREPARATION OF MANAGEMENT PLANS AND AMENDMENTS. "(a) STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES. —In order to ensure the opportunity for public participation in the preparation of management plans ana amendments to management plans for Atlantic striped bass, the Commission shall prepare such plans and amendments in accordance with the standards and procedures established under section 805(a)(2) of the Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Cooperative Management Act. "(b) APPLICATION.— Subsection (a) shall apply to management plans and amendments adopted by the Commission after the 6- month period beginning on the date of enactment of the Atlantic Striped Bass Conservation Act Amendments of 1997. "SEC. 9. PROTECTION OF STRIPED BASS IN THE EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE. "(a) REGULATION OF FISHING IN EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE.— The Secretary shall promulgate regulations governing fishing for Atleuitic striped bass in the exclusive economic zone that the Secretary determines— "(1) are consistent with the national standards set forth in section 301 of the Magnuson Act (16 U.S.C. 1851); "(2) are compatible with the Plan and each Federal moratorium in effect on fishing for Atlantic striped bass within the coastal waters of a coastal State; "(3) ensure the effectiveness of State regulations on fishing for Atlantic striped bass within the coastal waters of a coastal State; and "(4) are sufficient to assure the long-term conservation of Atlantic striped bass populations. "(b) CONSULTATION; PERIODIC REVIEW OF REGULATIONS. —In preparing regulations under subsection (a), the Secretary shall consult with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, the appropriate Regional Fishery Management Councils, and each affected Federal, State, and local government entity. The Secretary shall periodically review regulations promulgated under subsection