Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 3.djvu/63

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PUBLIC LAW 105-96 —NOV. 19, 1997 111 STAT. 2151 (2) To assist in the conservation and protection of Asian elephants by supporting the conservation programs of Asian elephant range states and the CITES Secretariat. (3) To provide financial resources for those programs. SEC. 4. DEFINITIONS. 16 USC 4263. In this Act: (1) The term "CITES" means the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, signed on March 3, 1973, and its appendices. (2) The term "conservation" means the use of methods and procedures necessary to bring Asian elephants to the point at which there are sufficient populations in the wild to ensure that the species does not become extinct, including all activities associated with scientific resource management, such as conservation, protection, restoration, acquisition, and management of habitat; research and monitoring of known populations; assistance in the development of management plans for managed elephant ranges; CITES enforcement; law enforcement through community participation; translocation of elephants; conflict resolution initiatives; and community outreach and education. (3) The term "Fund" means the Asian Elephant Conservation Fund established under section 6(a). (4) The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Interior. (5) The term "Administrator" means the Administrator of the Agency for International Development. SEC. 5. ASIAN ELEPHANT CONSERVATION ASSISTANCE. 16 USC 4264. (a) IN GENERAL.— The Secretary, subject to the availability of funds and in consultation with the Administrator, shall use amounts in the Fund to provide financial assistance for projects for the conservation of Asian elephants for which final project proposals are approved by the Secretary in accordance with this section. (b) PROJECT PROPOSAL.— Any relevant wildlife management authority of a nation within the range of Asian elephants whose activities directly or indirectly affect Asian elephant populations, the CITES Secretariat, or any person with demonstrated expertise in the conservation of Asian elephants, may submit to the Secretary a project proposal under this section. Each proposal shall include the following: (1) The name of the individual responsible for conducting the project. (2) A succinct statement of the purposes of the project. (3) A description of the qualifications of the individuals who will conduct the project. (4) An estimate of the funds and time required to complete the project. (5) Evidence of support of the project by appropriate governmental entities of countries in which the project will be conducted, if the Secretary determines that the support is required for the success of the project. (6) Information regarding the source and amount of matching funding available to the applicant.