Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 3.djvu/648

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Ill STAT. 2736 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS-JUNE 5, 1997 ference committee submits a conference report thereon, that makes available funds for highways, the Chairman of the Committee on the Budget of the Senate shall submit increased outlay allocations, aggregates, and discretionary limits for the amount of outlays flowing from the additional obligational authority provided in such measure. (2) REVISIONS TO SUBALLOCATIONS. —The Committee on Appropriations of the Senate may submit appropriately revised suballocations pursuant to sections 302(b)(1) and 602(b)(1) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974. (e) LIMITATIONS. — (1) IN GENERAL.—The revisions made pursuant to subsection (c) shall not be made— (A) with respect to nonhighway direct spending reductions, unless the committee that generates the direct spending reductions is within its allocations under section 302(a) and 602(a) of the Budget Act in this resolution (not including the nonhighway direct spending reductions envisioned in subsection (c)); and (B) with respect to revenue increases, unless revenues are at or above the revenue aggregates in this resolution (not including the revenue increases envisioned in subsection (c)). (2) OUTLAYS. — The outlay adjustments made pursuant to subsection (d) shall not exceed the amounts specified in subsection (c)(2) for a fiscal year. SEC. 210. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND IN THE HOUSE FOR SURFACE TRANSPORTATION. (a) PURPOSE.— In the House, the purpose of this section is to adjust the appropriate budgetary levels to accommodate legislation increasing spending from the highway trust fund on surface transportation and highway safety above the levels assumed in this resolution if such legislation is deficit neutral. (b) DEFICIT NEUTRALITY REQUIREMENT.^ 1) In order to receive the adjustments specified in subsection (c), a bill reported by the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House that provides new budget authority above the levels assumed in this resolution for programs authorized out of the highway trust fund must be deficit neutral. (2) A deficit-neutral bill must meet the following conditions: (A) The amount of new budget authority provided for programs authorized out of the highway trust fund must be in excess of $25,949 billion in new budget authority for fiscal year 1998, $25,464 billion in new budget authority for fiscal year 2002, and $127,973 billion in new budget authority for the period of fiscal years 1998 through 2002. (B) The outlays estimated to flow from the excess new budget authority set forth in subparagraph (A) must be offset for fiscal year 1998, fiscal year 2002, and for the period of fiscal years 1998 through 2002. For the sole purpose of estimating the amount of outlays flowing from excess new budget authority under this section, it shall be assumed that such excess new budget authority would have an obligation limitation sufficient to accommodate that new budget authority. (C) The outlays estimated to flow from the excess new budget authority must be offset by (i) other direct spending