Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 3.djvu/76

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Ill STAT. 2164 PUBLIC LAW 105-100—NOV. 19, 1997 the District of Columbia Guardianship, Protective Proceedings, and Durable Power of Attorney Act of 1986, effective February 27, 1987 (D.C. Law 6-204; D.C. Code, sec. 21-2060), for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1998, shall be available for obligations incurred under the Act in each fiscal year since inception in fiscal year 1989. PUBLIC EDUCATION SYSTEM Public education system, including the development of national defense education programs, $672,444,000 (including $530,197,000 from local funds, $112,806,000 from Federal funds, and $29,441,000 from other funds), to be allocated as follows: $564,129,000 (including $460,143,000 from local funds, $98,491,000 from Federal funds, and $5,495,000 from other funds), for the public schools of the District of Columbia; $8,900,000 from local funds for the District of Columbia Teachers' Retirement Fund; $3,376,000 from local funds (not including funds already made available for District of Columbia public schools) for public charter schools: Provided, That if the entirety of this allocation has not been provided as payments to any public charter schools currently in operation through the per pupil funding formula, the funds shall be available for new public charter schools on a per pupil basis: Provided further, That $400,000 be available to the District of Columbia Public Charter School Board for administrative costs: Provided further, That if the entirety of this allocation has not been provided as payment to one or more public charter schools by May 1, 1998, and remains unallocated, the funds shall be deposited into a special revolving loan fund described in section 172 of this Act to be used solely to assist existing or new public charter schools in meeting startup Reports. and operating costs: Provided further. That the Emergency Transitional Education Board of Trustees of the District of Columbia shall report to Congress not later than 120 days after the date of enactment of this Act on the capital needs of each public charter school and whether the current per pupil funding formula should reflect these needs: Provided further. That until the Emergency Transitional Education Board of Trustees reports to Congress as provided in the preceding proviso, the Emergency Transitional Education Board of Trustees shall take appropriate steps to provide public charter schools with assistance to meet capital expenses in a manner that is equitable with respect to assistance provided Reports. to other District of Columbia public schools: Provided further, That the Emergency Transitional Education Board of Trustees shall report to Congress not later than November 1, 1998, on the implementation of their policy to give preference to newly created District of Columbia public charter schools for surplus public school property; $74,087,000 (including $37,791,000 from local funds, $12,804,000 from Federal funds, and $23,492,000 from other funds) for the University of the District of Columbia; $22,036,000 (including $20,424,000 from local funds, $1,158,000 from Federal funds, and $454,000 from other funds) for the Public Library; $2,057,000 (including $1,704,000 from local funds and $353,000 from Federal funds) for the Commission on the Arts and Humanities: Provided further. That the public schools of the District of Columbia are authorized to accept not to exceed 31 motor vehicles for exclusive use in the driver education program: Provided further, That not to exceed $2,500 for the Superintendent of Schools, $2,500 for