Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/113

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PUBLIC LAW 105-220—AUG. 7, 1998 112 STAT. 997 (iv) training programs operated by the private sector; (v) skill upgrading and retraining; (vi) entrepreneurial training; (vii) job readiness training; (viii) adult education and literacy activities provided in combination with services described in any of clauses (i) through (vii); and (ix) customized training conducted with a commitment by an employer or group of employers to employ an individual upon successful completion of the training. (E) PRIORITY. —In the event that funds allocated to a local area for adult emplo5maent and training activities under paragraph (2)(A) or (3) of section 133(b) are limited, priority shall be given to recipients of public assistance and other low-income individuals for intensive services and training services. The appropriate local board and the Governor shall direct the one-stop operators in the local area with regard to making determinations related to such priority. (F) CONSUMER CHOICE REQUIREMENTS.— (i) IN GENERAL.— Training services provided under this paragraph shall be provided in a manner that maximizes consumer choice in the selection of an eligible provider of such services. (ii) ELIGIBLE PROVIDERS.— Each local board, through one-stop centers referred to in subsection (c), shall make available— (I) the State list of eligible providers of training services required under section 122(e), with a description of the programs through which the providers may offer the training services, and the information identifying eligible providers of on-thejob training and customized training required under section 122(h); and (II) the performance information and performance cost information relating to eligible providers of training services described in subsections (e) and (h) of section 122. (G) USE OF INDIVIDUAL TRAINING ACCOUNTS.— (i) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in clause (ii), training services provided under this paragraph shall be provided through the use of individual training accounts in accordance with this paragraph, and shall be provided to eligible individuals through the onestop delivery system. (ii) EXCEPTIONS.— Training services authorized under this paragraph may be provided pursuant to a contract for services in lieu of an individual training account if the requirements of subparagraph (F) are met and if— (I) such services are on-the-job training provided by an employer or customized training; (II) the local board determines there are an insufficient number of eligible providers of training services in the local area involved (such as in