Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/115

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'"s^S- ."^•V--'*^-*f^'^»^p>-j|^f*<*^ -"^" PUBLIC LAW 105-220—AUG. 7, 1998 112 STAT. 999 dislocated workers under section 133(b)(2)(B), may be used to provide needs-related payments to adults and dislocated workers, respectively, who are unemployed and do not qualify for (or have ceased to qualify for) unemployment compensation for the purpose of enabling such individuals to participate in programs of training services under subsection (d)(4). (B) ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS.— In addition to the requirements contained in subparagraph (A), a dislocated worker who has ceased to qualify for unemploy- ment compensation may be eligible to receive needs-related pa3nnents under this paragraph only if such worker was enrolled in the training services— (i) by the end of the 13th week after the most recent layoff that resulted in a determination of the worker's eligibility for employment and training activities for dislocated workers under this subtitle; or (ii) if later, by the end of the 8th week after the worker is informed that a short-term layoff will exceed 6 months. (C) LEVEL OF PAYMENTS. —The level of a needs-related payment made to a dislocated worker under this paragraph shall not exceed the greater of— (i) the applicable level of unemployment compensation; or (ii) if such worker did not qualify for unemploy- ment compensation, an amount equal to the poverty line, for an equivalent period, which amount shall be adjusted to reflect changes in total family income. CHAPTER 6—GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 136. PERFORMANCE ACCOUNTABILnY SYSTEM. 29 USC 2871. (a) PURPOSE. —The purpose of this section is to establish a comprehensive performance accountability system, comprised of the activities described in this section, to assess the effectiveness of States and local areas in achieving continuous improvement of workforce investment activities funded under this subtitle, in order to optimize the return on investment of Federal funds in statewide and local workforce investment activities. (b) STATE PERFORMANCE MEASURES.— (1) IN GENERAL. —For each State, the State performance measures shall consist of— (A)(i) the core indicators of performance described in paragraph (2)(A) and the customer satisfaction indicator of performance described in paragraph (2)(B); and (ii) additional indicators of performance (if any) identified by the State under paragraph (2)(C); and (B) a State adjusted level of performance for each indicator described in subparagraph (A). (2) INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE. — (A) CORE INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE.— (i) IN GENERAL. — The core indicators of performance for emplo3ment and training activities authorized under section 134 (except for self-service and informational activities) and (for participants who are eligible