Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/123

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PUBLIC LAW 105-220—AUG. 7, 1998 112 STAT. 1007 before completing the requirements of a vocational trsdning program, or receiving a secondary school diploma or recognized equivalent, as a result of participation in the Job Corps program. (5) GRADUATE. —The term "graduate" means an individual who has voluntarily applied for, been selected for, and enrolled in the Job Corps program and has completed the requirements of a vocational training program, or received a secondary school diploma or recognized equivalent, as a result of participation in the Job Corps program. (6) JOB CORPS.— The term "Job Corps" mesms the Job Corps described in section 143. (7) JOB CORPS CENTER.— The term "Job Corps center" means a center described in section 147. (8) OPERATOR.— The term "operator" means an entity selected under this subtitle to operate a Job Corps center. (9) REGION.— The term "region" means an area served by . a regional office of the Employment and Training Administration. (10) SERVICE PROVIDER.— The term "service provider" means an entity selected under this subtitle to provide services described in this subtitle to a Job Corps center. SEC. 143. ESTABLISHMENT. 29 USC 2883. There shall be within the Department of Labor a "Job Corps". SEC. 144. INDIVIDUALS ELIGIBLE FOR THE JOB CORPS. 29 USC 2884. To be eligible to become an enrollee, an individual shall be— (1) not less than age 16 and not more than age 21 on the date of enrollment, except that— (A) not more than 20 percent of the individuals enrolled in the Job Corps may be not less than age 22 and not more than age 24 on the date of enrollment; and (B) either such maximum age limitation may be waived by the Secretary, in accordance with regulations of the Secretary, in the case of an individual with a disability; (2) a low-income individual; and (3) an individual who is one or more of the following: (A) Basic skills deficient. (B) A school dropout. (C) Homeless, a runaway, or a foster child. (D) A parent. (E) An individual who requires additional education, vocational training, or intensive counseling and related assistance, in order to participate successfully in regular schoolwork or to secure and hold employment. SEC. 145. RECRUITMENT, SCREENING, SELECTION, AND ASSIGNMENT 29 USC 2885. OFENROLLEES. (a) STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES. — (1) IN GENERAL. — The Secretary shall prescribe specific standards and procedures for the recruitment, screening, and selection of eligible applicants for the Job Corps, after considering reconunendations from the Governors, local boards, and other interested parties. (2) METHODS.— In prescribing standards and procedures under paragraph (1), the Secretary, at a minimum, shall—