Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/136

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112 STAT. 1020 PUBLIC LAW 105-220—AUG. 7, 1998 (7) the number and percentage of dropouts from the Job Corps program including the number dismissed under the zero tolerance policy described in section 152(b); and (8) any additional information required by the Secretary. (e) METHODS. — The Secretary may collect the information described in subsections (c) and (d) using methods described in section 136(f)(2) consistent with State law. (f) PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENTS AND IMPROVEMENTS.— (1) ASSESSMENTS. — The Secretary shall conduct an annual assessment of the performance of each Job Corps center. Based on the assessment, the Secretary shall take measures to continuously improve the performance of the Job Corps program. (2) PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT PLANS. —With respect to a Job Corps center that fails to meet the expected levels of performance relating to the core performance measures specified in subsection (c), the Secretary shall develop and implement a performance improvement plan. Such a plan shall require action including— (A) providing technical assistance to the center; (B) changing the vocational training offered at the center; (C) changing the management staff of the center; (D) replacing the operator of the center; (E) reducing the capacity of the center; (F) relocating the center; or (G) closing the center. (3) ADDITIONAL PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT PLANS. —In addition to the performance improvement plans required under paragraph (2), the Secretary may develop and implement additional performance improvement plans. Such a plan shall require improvements, including the actions described in paragraph (2), for a Job Corps center that fails to meet criteria established by the Secretary other than the expected levels of performance described in paragraph (2). (g) CLOSURE OF JOB CORPS CENTER.— Prior to the closure of any Job Corps center, the Secretary shall ensure— Federal Register, (1) that the proposed decision to close the center is publication. announced in advance to the general public through publication in the Federal Register or other appropriate means; (2) the establishment of a reasonable comment period, not to exceed 30 days, for interested individuals to submit written comments to the Secretary; and (3) that the Member of Congress who represents the district in which such center is located is notified within a reasonable period of time in advance of any final decision to close the center. 29 USC 2900. SEC. 160. GENERAL PROVISIONS. The Secretary is authorized to— (1) disseminate, with regard to the provisions of section 3204 of title 39, United States Code, data and information in such forms as the Secretary shall determine to be appropriate, to public agencies, private organizations, and the general public; (2) subject to section 157(b), collect or compromise all obligations to or held by the Secretary and exercise all legal