Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/435

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PUBLIC LAW 105-225—AUG. 12, 1998 112 STAT. 1319 However, the activities of the corporation are not confined to the place where the principal office is located but may be conducted throughout the States, territories, and possessions of the United States. § 30309. Records and inspection (a) RECORDS,—The corporation shall keep— (1) correct and complete records of account; (2) minutes of the proceedings of its members, board of directors, and committees having any of the authority of its board of directors; and (3) at its principal office, a record of the names and addresses of its members, directors, and officers. (b) INSPECTION.—A member, or an agent or attorney of the member, may inspect the records of the corporation for any proper purpose, at any reasonable time. §30310. Service of process The corporation shall have a designated agent in the District of Columbia to receive service of process for the corporation. Notice to or service on the agent, or mailed to the business address of the agent, is notice to or service on the corporation. §30311. Liability for acts of officers and agents The corporation is liable for the acts of its officers and agents acting within the scope of their authority. §30312. Distribution of assets on dissolution or Hnal liquidation On dissolution or final liquidation of the corporation, any assets remaining after the discharge of all liabilities shall be transferred to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to be applied to the care and comfort of blinded veterans. CHAPTER 306—BLUE STAR MOTHERS OF AMERICA, INC. Sec. 30501. Definition. "' ' 30502. Organization. 30503. Purposes. 30504. Membership. 30505. Governing body. 30506. Powers. 30507. Exclusive right to name, seals, emblems, and badges. ^ 30508. Restrictions. 30509. Principal office. 30510. Records and inspection. 30511. Service of process. 30512. Liability for acts of officers and agents. 30513. Annual report. 30514. Distribution of assets on dissolution or final liquidation. §30501. Definition For purposes of this chapter, "Armed Forces" includes the United States Army, United States Navy, United States Marines, United States Air Force, United States Coast Guard, National Guard, United States Army Reserves, United States Navy Reserves, United States Marine Reserves, United States Air Force Reserves, United States Coast Guard Reserves, United States Naval Militia, merchant marines, and armed home guards who have served on active duty.