Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/575

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PUBLIC LAW 105-225—AUG. 12, 1998 112 STAT, 1459 of the audit required by section 10101 of this title. The report may not be printed as a public document. CHAPTER 2201—UNITED SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS, INCORPORATED Sec. 220101. Organization. 220102. Purposes. 220103. Membership. 220104. Governing body. 220105. Powers. 220106. Exclusive right to name, seals, emblems, and badges. 220107. Assistance by Department of Defense. 220108. Restrictions. 220109. Duty to maintain corporate status. 220110. Principal office. 220111. Records and inspection. 220112. Service of process. 220113. Annual report. 220114. Distribution of assets on dissolution or final liquidation. §220101. Organization (a) FEDERAL CHARTER. —United Service Organizations, Incorporated (in this chapter, the "corporation"), is a federally chartered corporation. (b) PERPETUAL EXISTENCE. —Except as otherwise provided, the corporation has perpetual existence. §220102. Purposes The purposes of the corporation are— (1) to provide a voluntary civilian agency through which the people of this Nation may, in peace or war, serve the religious, spiritual, social, welfare, educational, and entertainment needs of men and women in the Armed Forces, within or without the territorial limits of the United States; (2) to contribute to the maintenance of morale of men and women in the Armed Forces; (3) to solicit funds to maintain the organization and accomplish its responsibility; (4) to accept the cooperation of, and provide an organization and means through which, the National Board of Young Men's Christian Associations, the National Board of Young Women's Christian Associations, the National Catholic Community Service, the Salvation Army, the National Jewish Welfare Board, the Travelers Aid-International Social Service of America, and other civilian agencies experienced in specialized types of related work, which may be needed adequately to meet the particular needs of the members of the Armed Forces, may carry on their historic work of serving the religious, spiritual, social, welfare, educational, and entertainment needs of men and women in the Armed Forces and be afforded an appropriate means of participation and financial assistance; (5) to coordinate their programs; and (6) other consonant purposes. §220103. Membership Except as provided in this chapter, the rights, privileges, and designation of classes of members are as provided in the bylaws. The membership of the corporation consists of—