Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/911

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PUBLIC LAW 105-244 —OCT. 7, 1998 112 STAT. 1795 "(2) tutoring and academic counseling, including assistance in preparing for bar examinations; "(3) prelaw mentoring programs, involving law school faculty, members of State and local bar associations, and retired and sitting judges, justices, and magistrates; "(4) assistance in identifying preparatory courses and material for the law school aptitude or admissions tests; (5) summer institutes for Thurgood Marshall Fellows that expose the Fellows to a rigorous curriculum that emphasizes abstract thinking, legal ansdysis, research, writing, and examination techniques; and "(6) midyear seminars and other educational activities that are designed to reinforce reading, writing, and studying skills of Thurgood Marshall Fellows. "(e) DURATION OF THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. —The services described in subsection (d) may be provided— "(1) prior to the period of law school study;

    • (2) during the period of law school study; and

"(3) during the period following law school study and prior to taking a bar examination. "(f) SUBCONTRACTS AND SUBGRANTS.—For the puiposes of planning, developing, or delivering one or more of the services described in subsection (d), the Council on Legal Education Opportunity shall enter into subcontracts with, and make subgrants to, institutions of higher education, law schools, public and private agencies and organizations, and combinations of such institutions, schools, agencies, and organizations. " (g) STIPENDS.— The Secretary shall annually establish the maximum stipend to be paid (including allowances for participant travel and for the travel of the dependents of the participant) to Thurgood Marshall Fellows for the period of participation in summer institutes and midyear seminars. A Fellow may be eligible for such a stipend only if the Thurgood Marshall Fellow maintains satisfactory academic progress toward the Juris Doctor or Bachelor of Laws degree, as determined by the respective institutions. "(h) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— T here are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $5,000,000 for fiscal year 1999 and each of the 4 succeeding fiscal years. Subpart 4—General Provisions 'SEC. 731. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS FOR SUBPARTS 1, 2, AND 3. 20 USC 1137. "(a) COORDINATED ADMINISTRATION.— In carrying out the purpose described in section 700(1), the Secretary shall provide for coordinated administration and regulation of graduate programs assisted under subpsirts 1, 2, and 3 with other Federal programs providing assistance for graduate education in order to minimize duplication and improve efficiency to ensure that the programs are carried out in a manner most compatible with academic practices and with the standard timetables for applications for, and notifications of acceptance to, graduate programs. "(b) HIRING AUTHORITY. —For purposes of carrying out subparts 1, 2, and 3, the Secretary shall appoint, without regard to the provisions of title 5, United States Code, that govern appointments in the competitive service, such administrative and technical employees, with the appropriate educational background, as shall