Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/118

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112 STAT. 1948 PUBLIC LAW 105-261—OCT. 17, 1998 "(B) An assessment of the extent to which the costs of projects are being shared by the following: "(i) Commercial enterprises in the private sector. "(ii) Department of Defense program offices, including weapon system program offices. "(iii) Departments and agencies of the Federal Government outside the Department of Defense. "(iv) Institutions of higher education. "(v) Other institutions not operated for profit. "(vi) Other sources.". 10 USC 2501 SEC. 214. SENSE OF CONGRESS ON THE DEFENSE SCIENCE AND TECH- note. NOLOGY PROGRAM. (a) FUNDING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEFENSE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM BUDGET.— It is the sense of Congress that, for each of the fiscal years 2000 through 2008, it should be an objective of the Secretary of Defense to increase the budget for the Defense Science and Technology Program for the fiscal year over the budget for that program for the preceding fiscal year by a percent that is at least two percent above the rate of inflation as determined by the Office of Management and Budget. (b) GUIDELINES FOR THE DEFENSE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM.— (1) RELATIONSHIP OF DEFENSE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM TO UNIVERSITY RESEARCH.—It is the sense of Congress that the following should be key objectives of the Defense Science and Technology Program: (A) The sustainment of research capabilities in scientific and engineering disciplines critical to the Department of Defense. (B) The education and training of the next generation of scientists and engineers in disciplines that are relevant to future defense systems, particularly through the conduct of basic research. (C) The continued support of the Defense Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research and research programs at historically black colleges and universities and minority institutions. (2) RELATIONSHIP OF THE DEFENSE SCIENCE AND TECH- NOLOGY PROGRAM TO COMMERCIAL RESEARCH AND TECH- NOLOGY,—(A) It is the sense of Congress that, in supporting projects within the Defense Science and Technology Program, the Secretary of Defense should attempt to leverage commercial research, technology, products, and processes for the benefit of the Department of Defense. (B) It is the sense of Congress that funds made available for projects and programs of the Defense Science and Technology Program should be used only for the benefit of the Department of Defense, which includes— (i) the development of technology that has only military applications; (ii) the development of militarily useful, commercially viable technology; and (iii) the adaptation of commercial technology, products, or processes for military purposes. (3) SYNERGISTIC MANAGEMENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOP- MENT.— It is the sense of Congress that the Secretary of Defense