Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/152

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112 STAT. 1982 PUBLIC LAW 105-261—OCT. 17, 1998 shall perform the review in consultation with persons in the private sector who have expertise and experience in performing in the private sector functions similar to the functions performed by the Defense Automated Printing Service. If such a person obtains any privileged information (as defined by the Secretary of Defense) as a result of participating in the review, the person may not receive a contract, either through the Department of Defense or the Government Printing Office, to provide services for the Department of Defense similar to the functions performed by the Defense Automated Printing Service for a one-year period beginning on the date the report is submitted to the Secretary of Defense under subsection (e). (d) ELEMENTS OF REVIEW. —In performing the review under this section, the entity selected under subsection (b) shall specifically address the following: (1) The functions performed by the Defense Automated Printing Service. (2) The functions of the Defense Automated Printing Service that are inherently national security functions and, as such, need to be performed within the Department of Defense. (3) The functions of the Defense Automated Printing Service that are appropriate for transfer to another appropriate entity to perform, including a private sector entity. (4) The appropriate management structure of the Defense Automated Printing Service, the effectiveness of the current structure of the Defense Automated Printing Service in supporting current and future customer requirements, and any plans to address any deficiencies in supporting such requirements. (5) The current and future requirements of customers of the Defense Automated Printing Service. (6) The best business practices that are used by the Defense Automated Printing Service and other best business practices that could be used by the Defense Automated Printing Service. (7) Options for maximizing the Defense Automated Printing Service structure and services to provide the most cost effective service to its customers. (e) REPORT ON RESULTS OF REVIEW. —The entity performing the review under this section shall submit to the Secretary of Defense a report that sets forth the results of the review. In addition to specifically addressing the matters specified in subsection (d), the report shall also include the following: (1) A list of all sites where functions of the Defense Automated Printing Service are performed by the Defense^ Automated Printing Service. (2) The total number of the personnel employed by the Defense Automated Printing Service and the locations where the personnel perform the duties as employees. (3) For each site identified under paragraph (1), an assessment of each type of equipment at the site. (4) The types and explanation of the networking and technology integration linking all of the sites referred to in paragraph (1). (5) For each function of the Defense Automated Printing Service determined to be an inherently national security function under subsection (d)(2), a detailed justification for the determination.