Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/318

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112 STAT. 2148 PUBLIC LAW 105-261—OCT. 17, 1998 (2) amounts included in the budget for the purpose stated in paragraph (1) should be over and above the defense discretionary estimates as identified in the Bipartisan Budget Agreement of May 16, 1997 and the fiscal year 1998 concurrent budget resolution and not be transferred from amounts in the budget of any other agency of the executive branch, but instead should be an overall increase in the budget for the Department of Defense and the discretionary spending limits in the Balanced Budget Act of 1997. SEC. 1203. PRESIDENTIAL REPORTS. (a) REQUIRED REPORTS.— The President shall ensure that the semiannual reports required by section 7(b) of the general provisions of chapter I of the 1998 Supplemental Appropriations and Rescissions Act (Public Law 105-174; 112 Stat. 64) are submitted to Congress in a timely manner as long as United States ground combat forces continue to participate in the Stabilization Force (SFOR). In addition, whenever the President submits to Congress a request for funds for continued operations of United States forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the President shall submit a supplemental report providing information to update Congress on developments since the last semiannual report. (b) REQUIRED INFORMATION.— In addition to the information required by the section referred to in subsection (a) to be included in a report under that section, each report under that section or under subsection (a) shall include the following: (1) The expected duration of the deplojonent of United States ground combat forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina in support of implementation of the benchmarks set forth in the President's report of March 3, 1998 (referred to in section 1201(5)) for achieving a sustainable peace process. (2) The percentage of those benchmarks that have been completed as of the date of the report, the percentage that are expected to be completed within the next reporting period, and the expected time for completion of the remaining tasks. (3) The status of the NATO force of gendarmes or paramilitary police, including the mission of the force, the composition of the force, and the extent, if any, to which members of the Armed Forces of the United States are participating (or are to participate) in the force. (4) The military and nonmilitary missions that the President has directed for United States forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including a specific discussion of— (A) the mission of those forces, if any, in connection with the pursuit and apprehension of war criminals; (B) the mission of those forces, if any, in connection with civilian police functions; (C) the mission of those forces, if any, in connection with the resettlement of refugees; and (D) the missions undertaken by those forces, if any, in support of international and local civilian authorities. (5) An assessment of the risk for the United States forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including, for each mission identified pursuant to paragraph (4), the assessment of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff regarding the nature and level of risk of the mission for the safety and well-being of United States military personnel.