Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/323

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PUBLIC LAW 105-261—OCT. 17, 1998 112 STAT. 2153 (2) The minimum military requirements to be satisfied by those countries before accession to the NATO alliance in April 1999. (3) The improvements to common alliance military assets that are necessary as a result of expanding the NATO alliance to include those nations. (4) The improvements to national capabilities of current NATO members that would be necessitated by the inclusion of those nations in the alliance. (5) The necessary improvements to national capabilities of the military forces of those new member nations. (6) Any additional necessary improvements to common alliance military' assets of the military forces of those new members for which funds are not planned to be included in the NATO budget. (7) The additional requirements, related to NATO expansion, that the United States would agree to assist each new member nation to meet on a bilateral basis. (b) MATTERS To BE INCLUDED.— The report shall include the following: (1) An assessment of the tactical and operational capabilities of the military forces of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. (2) An assessment of the ability of each such new member nation to meet the minimum military requirements upon accession to the NATO alliance in April 1999, and the ability of that nation to provide logistical, command and control, and other vital infrastructure required for alliance defense (as specified in Article V of the NATO Charter), including a description in general terms of alliance plans for reinforcing each new NATO member nation during a crisis or war and detailing means for deploying both United States and other NATO forces from current member states and from the continental United States or other United States bases worldwide and, in particular, describing plans for ground reinforcement of Hungary. (3) An assessment of the ability of the current and new alliance members to deploy and sustain combat forces in alliance defense missions conducted in the territory of any of the new member nations, as specified in Article V of the NATO Charter. (4) A description of projected defense programs through 2009 (shown on an annual basis and cumulatively) of each current and new alliance member nation— (A) including planned investments in capabilities pursuant to Article V to ensure that— (i) the nation's military force structure, defense planning, command structures, and force goals promote NATO's capacity to project power when the security of a NATO member is threatened; and (ii) NATO members possess national military capabilities to rapidly deploy forces over long distances, sustain operations for extended periods, and operate jointly with the United States in high intensity conflicts as well as potential alliance contingency operations; (B) showing both planned national efforts as well as planned alliance common efforts; and