Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/396

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112 STAT. 2226 PUBLIC LAW 105-261—OCT. 17, 1998 Juniper Butte TITLE XXIX-^UNIPER BUTTE RANGE fedrawal Act. WITHDRAWAL Sec. 2901. Short title. Sec. 2902. Withdrawal and reservation. Sec. 2903. Map and legal description. Sec. 2904. Agency agreement. Sec. 2905. Right-of-way grants. Sec. 2906. Indian sacred sites. Sec. 2907. Actions concerning ranching operations in withdrawn area. Sec. 2908. Management of withdrawn and reserved lands. Sec. 2909. Integrated natural resource management plan. Sec. 2910. Memorandum of understanding. Sec. 2911. Maintenance of roads. Sec. 2912. Management of withdrawn and acquired mineral resources. Sec. 2913. Hunting, fishing, and trapping. Sec. 2914. Water rights. Sec. 2915. Duration of withdrawal. Sec. 2916. Environmental remediation of relinquished withdrawn lands or upon termination of withdrawal. Sec. 2917. Delegation of authority. Sec. 2918. Hold harmless. Sec. 2919. Authorization of appropriations. SEC. 2901. SHORT TITLE. This title may be cited as the "Juniper Butte Range Withdrawal Act". SEC. 2902. WITHDRAWAL AND RESERVATION. (a) WITHDRAWAL.—Subject to valid existing rights and except as otherwise provided in this title, the lands at the Juniper Butte Range, Idaho, referred to in subsection (c), are withdrawn from ^ all forms of appropriation under the public land laws, including the mining laws and the mineral and geothermal leasing laws but not the Act of July 31, 1947 (commonly known as the Materials Act of 1947; 30 U.S.C. 601 et seq.). (b) RESERVED USES. —The lands withdrawn under subsection (a) are reserved for use by the Secretary of the Air Force for— (1) a high hazard training area; (2) dropping non-explosive training ordnance with spotting charges; (3) electronic warfare and tactical maneuvering and air support; and (4) other defense-related purposes consistent with the purposes specified in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3), including continued natural resource management and environmental remediation in accordance with section 2916. (c) SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS. —(1) Site development plans shall be prepared before construction. (2) Site development plans shall be incorporated in the integrated natural resource management plan developed under section 2909. (3) Except in the case of any minimal improvements, development on the withdrawn lands of any facilities beyond those proposed and analyzed in the Environmental Impact Statement concerning Enhanced Training in Idaho, prepared by the Secretary of the Air Force, the Record of Decision dated March 10, 1998, concerning Enhanced Training in Idaho, prepared by the Secretary of the Air Force, and the site development plans shall be contingent upon review and approval of the Idaho State Director of the Bureau of Land Management.