Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/64

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112 STAT. 1894 PUBLIC LAW 105-255—OCT. 14, 1998 42 USC 1885a iK>te. 42 USC 1885a note. Internet. 42 USC 1885a note. 42 USC 1885a note. SEC. 9. CONSTRUCTION; USE OF INFORMATION OBTAINED./ (a) IN GENERAL.— Nothing in this Act shall be construed to require any non-Federal entity (such as a business, college or university, foundation, or research organization) to provide information to the Commission concerning such entity's personnel policies, including salaries and benefits, promotion criteria, and affirmative action plans. (b) USE OF INFORMATION OBTAINED. —No information obtained from any entity by the Commission may be used in connection with any employment related litigation. SEC. 10. TERMINATION; ACCESS TO INFORMATION. (a) TERMINATION. — The Commission shall terminate 30 days after submitting the report required by section 8. (b) ACCESS TO INFORMATION.—On or before the date of the termination of the Commission under subsection (a), the Commission shall provide to the National Science Foundation the information gathered by the Commission in the process of carrying out its duties under this Act. The National Science Foundation shall act as a central repository for such information and shall make such information available to the public, including making such information available through the Internet. SEC. 11. REVIEW OF INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND OTHER AGENCIES. (a) PROVISION OF INFORMATION. —At the request of the Commission, the National Science Foundation and any other Federal department or agency shall provide to the Commission any information determined necessary by the Commission to carry out its duties under this Act, including— (1) data on academic degrees awarded to women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities in science, engineering, and technology development, and workforce representation and the retention of women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities in the fields of science, engineering, and technology development; and (2) information gathered by the National Science Foundation in the process of compiling its biennial report on Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering. (b) REVIEW OF INFORMATION. — The Commission shall review any information provided under subsection (a) and shall include in the report required under section 8— (1) recommendations on how to correct any deficiencies in the collection of the types of information described in that subsection, and in the analysis of such data, which might impede the characterization of the factors which affect the attraction and retention of women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities in the fields of science, engineering, and technology development; and (2) an assessment of the biennial report of the National Science Foundation on Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering, and recommendations on how that report could be improved. SEC. 12. DEFINITION OF STATE. In this Act, the term "State" includes the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the